Resultados: 8

Mosaic HIV-1 vaccine regimen in southern African women (Imbokodo/HVTN 705/HPX2008): a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 2b trial

Background: HIV type 1 (HIV-1) remains a global health concern, with the greatest burden in sub-Saharan Africa. Despite 40 years of research, no vaccine candidate has shown durable and protective efficacy against HIV-1 acquisition. Although pre-exposure prophylaxis in groups with high vulnerability can b...

Examining oral pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) literacy among participants in an HIV vaccine trial preparedness cohort study

Background: Internationally-accredited laboratories are recognised for their superior test reliability, operational performance, quality management and competence. In a bid to meet international quality standards, the Mozambique National Institute of Health enrolled the National Tuberculosis Reference La...

Young at risk-people in Maputo City, Mozambique, present a high willingness to participate in HIV trials: Results from an HIV vaccine preparedness cohort study

PLos ONE; 16 (12), 2021
Introduction: Vaccine efficacy testing requires engagement of willing volunteers with high disease incidence. We evaluated factors associated with willingness to participate in potential future HIV vaccine trials in Maputo, Mozambique. Methods: Adults aged 18-35 years without HIV and who reported at leas...

Young at risk-people in Maputo City, Mozambique, present a high willingness to participate in HIV trials: Results from an HIV vaccine preparedness cohort study

PLos ONE; 16 (12), 2021
Introduction: Vaccine efficacy testing requires engagement of willing volunteers with high disease incidence. We evaluated factors associated with willingness to participate in potential future HIV vaccine trials in Maputo, Mozambique. Methods: Adults aged 18-35 years without HIV and who reported at leas...

Regulatory T cell abundance and activation status before and after priming with HIVIS-DNA and boosting with MVA-HIV/rgp140/GLA-AF may impact the magnitude of the vaccine-induced immune responses

Immunobiol., Suppl; 223 (12), 2018
Little is known about regulatory CD4 T cells (Tregs) in the context of HIV vaccines. Tregs can be differentiated into resting (FoxP3+CD45RA+ - rTregs), activated (FoxP3HighCD45RA- - aTregs) and memory (FoxP3LowCD45RA- - mTregs). Tregs, as CD4 T cells, are also frequent targets for HIV infection. We studi...

Optimizing the immunogenicity of HIV prime-boost DNA-MVA-rgp140/GLA vaccines in a phase II randomized factorial trial design

PLos ONE; 13 (11), 2018
Background: We evaluated the safety and immunogenicity of (i) an intradermal HIV-DNA regimen given with/without intradermal electroporation (EP) as prime and (ii) the impact of boosting with modified vaccinia virus Ankara (HIV-MVA) administered with or without subtype C CN54rgp140 envelope protein adjuva...

Intradermal HIV-1 DNA immunization using needle-free zetajet injection followed by HIV-modified Vaccinia virus ankara vaccination is safe and immunogenic in Mozambican young adults: A Phase i randomized controlled trial

AIDS res. hum. retrovir; 34 (2), 2018
According to UNAIDS, there were a total of 36.7 million people living with HIV and 2.1 million new infections in 2015. Eastern and Southern Africa continues to be most severely affected, accounting for 51.7% of the total global infections. Antiretroviral therapy has contributed to slowing the HIV epidemi...

Recent progress in immune-based interventions to prevent HIV-1 transmission to children

J. int. aids soc; 20 (4), 2017
Globally, 150,000 new paediatric human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infections occurred in 2015. There remain complex challenges to the global elimination of paediatric HIV-1 infection. Thus, for the global community to achieve elimination of new paediatric HIV-1 infections, innovative approache...