Resultados: 3

Using repeated home-based HIV testing services to reach and diagnose HIV infection among persons who have never tested for HIV, Chókwè health demographic surveillance system, Chókwè district, Mozambique, 2014-2017

PLos ONE; 15 (11), 2020
Background: HIV prevalence in Mozambique (12.6%) is one of the highest in the world, yet ~40% of people living with HIV (PLHIV) do not know their HIV status. Strategies to increase HIV testing uptake and diagnosis among PLHIV are urgently needed. Home-based HIV testing services (HBHTS) have been evaluate...

Directriz nacional para implementação do aconselhamento e testagem em saúde
National guideline for the implementation of health counseling and testing

O vírus de imunodeficiência humana (HIV) e a síndrome de imunodeficiência adquirida (SIDA) afectam as pessoas em todas as dimensões da sua vida pessoal, familiar, comunitária e social. Controlar a propagação do HIV em Moçambique exige mudanças nas normas sociais e comportamentais e também i...

Syndromic management of sexually transmitted diseases at primary care level, Mozambique

Sex. transm. dis; 78 (1), 2002
To assess STD management in primary healthcare facilities where STD clinics and syndromic management guidelines had been introduced. Methods: In 26 health facilities in selected sites, we observed management of all STD patients presenting in the adult general or STD clinic. We assessed the referral syst...