Glob. health sci. pract; 12 (2), 2024
Ano de publicação: 2024
The Data to Care (D2C) strategy uses multiple sources
of complementary data on HIV clients and related services to identify
individuals with gaps in HIV treatment. Although D2C has been
widely used in the United States, there is no evidence on its use in
other settings, such as countries most affected by the epidemic.
Strategy Implementation:
The D2C strategy was implemented
within the context of a project that provided community-based
support to children and adolescents living with HIV (C/ALHIV) in
Mozambique. A data tracking tool and a standard operating
procedure manual for local partner community organizations
and health care facilities were developed to support the effort.
Project staff met with local project implementing partners to discuss
and coordinate the intervention in pilot health facilities.
Strategy Piloting:
The project initiated a pilot D2C intervention in
2019, working with 14 health facilities across 5 additional districts
within 1 province. COVida project data were compared with clini
cal data from facilities serving C/ALHIV. The D2C intervention iden
tified gaps in HIV treatment for a substantial number of C/ALHIV,
and targeted support services were provided to address those
gaps. Viral load (VL) monitoring was added in March 2020.
Before the intervention, 71% of C/ALHIV reported to be on HIV
treatment by their caregivers were documented as on treatment
in health facilities. Support interventions targeted those not on
treatment, and this proportion increased to 96% within 1 year
of implementation. Additionally, 12 months later, the proportion
of C/ALHIV with a documented VL test increased from 52% to 72%.
Introducing the D2C pilot intervention was associated
with substantial improvements in HIV treatment for C/ALHIV, includ
ing increased linkage to and continuity in treatment and increased
VL testing. D2C may be a useful approach to improve health out
comes for C/ALHIV in settings outside of the United States.