Framework for determining the optimal course of action when efficiency and affordability measures differ by perspective in cost-effectiveness analysis-with an illustrative case of HIV treatment in Mozambique

Cost effectiveness and resource allocation : C/E; 21 (1), 2023
Ano de publicação: 2023

Background Cost-efectiveness analysis (CEA) is a standard tool for evaluating health programs and informing decisions about resource allocation and prioritization. Most CEAs evaluating health interventions in low- and middle-income countries adopt a health sector perspective, accounting for resources funded by international donors and country governments, while often excluding out-of-pocket expenditures and time costs borne by program benefciaries. Even when patients’ costs are included, a companion analysis focused on the patient perspective is rarely performed. We view this as a missed opportunity. Methods We developed methods for assessing intervention afordability and evaluating whether optimal interventions from the health sector perspective also represent efcient and afordable options for patients. We mapped the fve diferent patterns that a comparison of the perspective results can yield into a practical framework, and we provided guidance for researchers and decision-makers on how to use results from multiple perspectives. To illustrate the methodology, we conducted a CEA of six HIV treatment delivery models in Mozambique. We conducted a Monte Carlo microsimulation with probabilistic sensitivity analysis from both patient and health sector perspectives, generating incremental cost-efectiveness ratios for the treatment approaches. We also calculated annualized patient costs for the treatment approaches, comparing the costs with an afordability threshold. We then compared the cost-efectiveness and afordability results from the two perspectives using the framework we developed. Results In this case, the two perspectives did not produce a shared optimal approach for HIV treatment at the willingness-to-pay threshold of 0.3×Mozambique’s annual GDP per capita per DALY averted. However, the clinical 6-month antiretroviral drug distribution strategy, which is optimal from the health sector perspective, is efcient and afordable from the patient perspective. All treatment approaches, except clinical 1-month distributions of antiretroviral drugs which were standard before Covid-19, had an annual cost to patients less than the country’s annual average for out-of-pocket health expenditures. Conclusion Including a patient perspective in CEAs and explicitly considering afordability ofers decision-makers additional insights either by confrming that the optimal strategy from the health sector perspective is also efcient and afordable from the patient perspective or by identifying incongruencies in value or afordability that could afect patient participation.

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