The impact of malaria on health of primary school children in mozambique
Ano de publicação: 1992
Teses e dissertações em Inglês apresentado à London School of hygiene and tropical medicine,university of London para obtenção do título de Mestre. Orientador: Steve Bennett
Malaria is one of the most important diseases among children in tropical Africa.
Although the highest morbidity rate is observed in young children, older children attending primary still have level of parasite rats.
It seems malaria may have some effects on school outcome measures, Such as increasing days of absenteeism from school. Very studies have been undertaken to measure the impact of malaria in learning ability.However, it has been demonstrated that parasitic diseases, such as schistosomiasis, can decrease learning ability. Intervention to control malaria and other parasitic diseases may lead to an improvement on healthy and in the ability of children to take advantage of the education offered.