Mozambique: primary health care support project (656-0226)

Ano de publicação: 0000

The proposed Primary Health Care Support Project is a $20.0 million project effort which will complement a future nonproject sector assistance effort, the Primary Health Care Financing Program, in FY 1992. The purpose of both the project and the program is. to more efficiently and productively utilize resources in the health sector, particularly for primary health care. Given the serious resource limitations in the sector, and the preventable nature of Mozambique's major health problems, a focus on preventive, primary health care (PHC) is. the most cost effective approach to improving overall health status in Mozambique, especially among women and children who suffer disproportionately from illness and death. The project focuses on key constraints, which if addressed, can provide improvements in-the quality and coverage of primary health care in Mozambigue. During the four year life~-of- a, Le project, resources will be provided to the Government of the Republic of Mozambique (GRM) for implementing, in particular, the following sets of activities: (1) supplying PHC health he facilities in Mozambique with essential drugs and contraceptives on a steady and reliable basis; (2) developing a better understanding of policy issues which support preventive, PHC; (3) increasing the productivity of health providers in two provinces and improve planning/management support to these providers; (4) better defining and implementing a decentralized system of planning, budgeting, financial management, supervision and program management; and (5) improving the regularity and effectiveness of information, education, and communications (IEC) for maternal and child health and family planning. AS a result of studying PHC policy issues within this project, the follow-on program will be designed with the GRM in 1992. Direct assistance will be provided for essential drugs and contraceptives, technical assistance, in-country training, research and studies, and other project related costs. The project is complex and will require five long-term advisors with a wide range of decentralization, planning, and management expertise, and numerous short-term consultants with sound experience in policy and health financing issues...

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