Perfil de Prescrição de Antibióticos em Pacientes HIV Seropositivos nas Unidades Sanitárias das Cidades de Maputo e Matola
Ano de publicação: 2016
Teses e dissertações em Português apresentado à Universisidade Eduardo Mondlane para obtenção do tÃtulo de Mestre. Orientador:
The prescription of antibiotics is a global public health issue and deserves special attention, especially when they are prescribed to HIV seropositive patients who depend entirely on drugs for a long and quality of life.
This study aimed to describe the prescription patterns of antibiotics and the quality of prescriptions for seropositive HIV patients in health facilities of primary care, in the cities of Maputo and Matola.Methods:
About 369 prescriptions for HIV seropositive patients were evaluated between March and September 2013, using a cross-sectional observational study, with a quantitative approach. Data where collected prospectively. X2 test with significance level of 5% was used to analyze the relationship between the collected variables and prescribing antibiotics.Results:
Antibiotics were prescribed in 66.4% prescriptions and mostly for the treatment of respiratory tract infections. For demographic and clinical variables there was no statistically significant association with the use of antibiotics, in particular gender (p = 0.642), age (p = 0.063), stage of HIV (p = 0.445), ART (p = 0.107) and ART regimen (p = 0.583). The clinical indication was the only variable that had a significant association with the use of antibiotics (p = 0.000). Sulfonamides and penicillins were the most prescribed groups of antibiotics. Sulfonamides were prescribed for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes whereas penicillins only for therapeutic purposes. Sulfonamides were present in 37.9% and penicillins in 18.4% of prescriptions. The association of penicillin and sulfonamide was used most frequently (29.2%). Among the patients receiving antibiotics, the majority also had antipyretic analgesic prescription (35.8%), anti-inflammatory and antirheumatic (16.1%) and vitamins (12.5%). On average, each prescription had 2.4 drugs and 0.9 antibiotics. About 99.5% of prescriptions were generic term and 99.1% of the drugs contained in the National Drug Form. All recipes (100%) presented legibly, with patient and clinician identification, indication of dose, instruction for taking medicines and prescription date.Conclusions:
There was a greater consumption of antibiotics in seropositive HIV patients because in 10 patients, about 6-7 received antibiotic prescription. Sulfonamides and penicillins were the most frequently prescribed antibiotics and respiratory diseases the most prevalent indications in this group of patients. However, the results show that the evaluated clinical concerned about the prescription drug standards.
A prescrição de antibióticos representa um problema global de saúde pública, e merece uma atenção especial, principalmente quando são prescritos a pacientes HIV seropositivos que dependem inteiramente de medicamentos para obter uma vida prolongada e com qualidade.