Ano de publicação: 2002
Long-lasting insecticide-treated nets (LLINs) are one of the main methods used for controlling malaria
transmission in Mozambique. The proliferation of several types of LLINs and the re-emergence of insecticide resistance in the local vector populations poses challenges to the local malaria control programme on selecting suitable
insecticide-based vector control products. Therefore, this study evaluated the insecticide susceptibility and bio-efficacy of selected new LLINs against wild populations of Anopheles funestus sensu lato and A. gambiae s.l. from Northern
and Central Mozambique. The study also investigated whether the insecticide contents on the LINNs fabrics were
within the WHOPES recommended target range.
The susceptibility of 2–5 day old wild female A. funestus and A. gambiae sensu stricto against the major
classes of insecticides used for vector control, viz: deltamethrin (0.05 %), permethrin (0.75 %), propoxur (0.1 %),
bendiocarb (0.1 %) and DDT (4 %), was determined using WHO cylinder susceptibility tests. WHO cone bioassays
were conducted to determine the bio-efficacy of both pyrethroid–only LLINs (Olyset®, Permanet 2.0®, NetProtect®
and Interceptor®) and, Permanet 3.0® a combination LLIN against A. funestus s.s, from Balama, Mocuba and Milange
districts, respectively. The bio-efficacy of LLINs against the insectary-susceptible A. arabiensis (Durban strain) was
assessed, as well. Untreated bed net swatches were used as negative controls. Chemical analyses, by high performance liquid chromatography, were undertaken to assess whether the insecticide contents on the LLINs fabrics
fell within recommended target dose ranges. The frequency of kdr gene mutations was determined from a random
sample of A. gambiae s.s. from both WHO susceptibility and cone bioassay experiments.
Anopheles funestus from Balama district showed resistance to deltamethrin and possible resistance to
permethrin, propoxur and bendiocarb, whilst A. gambiae from Mocuba district was susceptible to deltamethrin,
bendiocarb and propoxur. There were no kdr mutants found in the sample of 256 A. gambiae tested. Overall, 186 LLIN
swatches were tested. Mosquitoes exposed to Olyset® had the lowest knockdown (±standard error) and mortality
rate (±standard error) in all studied sites regardless of vectors species tested. Permanet 3.0 showed the highest bioefficacy independent of vector species tested and level of insecticide resistance detected. All types of LLINs effectively
killed susceptible A. arabiensis Durban strain. The insecticide content of Olyset® and Permanet 2.0® was higher than
the target dose but NetProtect® had a lower insecticide content than the target dose