Priority indicator report from the mozambique violence against children and youth survey (2019)

Ano de publicação: 2020

T he Priority Indicator Report of the Mozambique Violence Against Children and Youth Sur vey (VACS, 2019) provides information on demographic characteristics, socio-economic status, orphanhood, early marriage, and prevalence of sexual, physical and emotional vio lence among children aged 13 to 24. It also provides key data on the main perpetrators of violence experienced in childhood, location of violence, utilization of medical, psycho-so cial, legal and protective services available to children and youth who have been victims of violence. Finally, it reports HIV status among young men and women aged 18 to 24 years. This information is important as it constitutes the basis of recommendations to the Government of Mozambique, through the relevant Ministries, UN agencies, national and international non-govern mental organizations working to protect children. In addition, it contributes to the development, im provement, and reinforcement of the prevention and response strategies to combat violence against children and youth, as part of a broader, more comprehensive and multisectoral approach for child protection. The Mozambique VACS is the first survey of this type conducted in the country. It utilizes an internationally standardized methodology, which allows the collection of systematic data on vio lence against children and youth within Mozambique and can be compared to results from similar VACS around the world...

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