Final report mozambique violence against children and youth survey (vacs 2019)

Ano de publicação: 2022

As in many countries, violence against children, including child sexual abuse and severe physical violence, remains a significant issue in Mozambique. Research on violence in Mozambique has found high prevalence of violence against women and domestic violence among general population convenience samples . One study of women in antenatal care clinics found high rates of sexual and physical intimate partner violence . In addition, a study of knowledge, attitudes, and practices of health care providers revealed significant gaps in the capacity and training of health care providers to recognize and care for victims of violence who are children . The Mozambique Survey of Indicators on Immunization, Malaria and HIV/AIDS (IMASIDA) in 2015 found that close to one out of five (18.8%) ever-partnered women had experienced physical or sexual violence by a partner . These studies provide preliminary information about the experiences of violence against children and youth in Mozambique, but significant gaps remain in understanding the true prevalence, burden, and contexts of violence. No nationally representative, comprehensive studies have been conducted on violence against children and youth in Mozambique. The Government of Mozambique acknowledges that the lack of data, particularly data on the national prevalence of violence against children, has become a barrier in planning, budgeting, implementing, and evaluating child protection and violence prevention programs. In response to concerns regarding violence against children and youth, especially sexual violence, the National Health Institute (i.e., Instituto Nacional de Saúde or INS), in collaboration with CDC, conducted the 2019 Mozambique Violence Against Children and Youth Survey (VACS) to determine the magnitude of violence against children and youth and to study the epidemiologic patterns of risk factors for violence in order to develop more targeted and informed prevention and response programs and policy initiatives.

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