PQS devices catalogue
Ano de publicação: 2016
The PQS on-line catalogue includes details of all immunization-related products
currently pre-qualified by WHO for procurement by United Nations agencies. The
catalogue is produced and maintained by the Quality, Safety and Standards group in
the Immunization, Vaccine and Biologicals Department of WHO, Geneva. It replaces
the old WHO/UNICEF Product Information Sheets (PIS), the last edition of which was
published in 2000. Only products included in the PQS catalogue are now
recommended to be purchased by UN agencies.
PQS performance specifications and verification protocols have been phased in on a
category-by-category basis since 2006. There are many new specifications and the
old PIS specifications and test procedures have also been replaced. Once a PQS
specification has been published, manufacturers are granted a transition period in
which to meet the new standards. Whenever a new product is pre-qualified, a data
sheet is published on the PQS website.
There is no hardcopy version. Each edition of the catalogue is date-stamped. It will
be updated regularly to ensure that the information it contains is current.
A related catalogue of WHO pre-qualified vaccines will be made available on the
internet later in 2011. This will be published and managed in a similar manner.
Details will be provided in future catalogue revisions