Results: 11

Appréciation de la qualité des soins dans le service de pédiatrie de l’hôpital spécialisé mère-enfant blanche Gomes (hsmebg) de Brazzaville (Congo)

Objective: Is the quality of care in the pediatric department of HSMEBG appreciable? The objective of this work is to study the quality of care in the pediatric department of the Blanche Gomes Mother-Child Specialized Hospital in Brazzaville (Congo) in order to enable its improvement.Met...

Test positivity and clinical presentation of COVID-19 in Mozambican infants hospitalized during the second wave of the pandemic in 2021

Pan Afr. med. j; 44 (NA), 2023
Introduction: during the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Mozambique, there was a surge in pediatric hospitalizations at a time when there was relatively little evidence, but significant concern about clinical outcomes in African children, particularly in higher-risk infants requiring, and health ...

Corps étrangers chroniques dans l’œsophage chez l’enfant
Chronic foreign bodies in the oesophagus in children

Les ingestions de corps étrangers sont des accidents fréquents en pédiatrie. La plupart sont sans grande conséquence sauf ceux qui sont enclavés dans l’œsophage. Nous rapportons 2 cas de pile bouton intraœsophagienne chez 2 enfants âgés de: 4ans de sexe masculin et 2 ans de sexe féminin. Le m...

Pharmacological management of post-traumatic seizures in a South African paediatric intensive care unit

Background. Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a common cause of paediatric intensive care unit (PICU) admissions in South Africa. Optimal care of these patients includes the prevention and control of post-traumatic seizures (PTS) in order to minimise secondary brain injury. Objectives. To describe the dem...

Dermatite néonatale: à propos de 116 cas recueillis dans un CHU d'Abidjan
Newborns dermatitis: about 116 cases collected in a university hospital in Abidjan

Mali Médical; 28 (3), 2022
Objectifs : Déterminer le profil épidémiologique des dermatoses du nouveau-né et de décrire les différents aspects cliniques des dermatoses néonatales observées. Matériel et méthodes : L’étude s’est déroulée au Centre hospitalier universitaire de Cocody (Abidjan). L’étude était tran...

Blood culture contamination in the departments of paediatrics and child health at two tertiary training hospitals in central South Africa

S. Afr. med. j; 112 (2), 2022
Background. Bloodstream infections are an important cause of mortality in children. Blood cultures (BCs) remain the primary means of identifying organisms and their antibiotic susceptibility profiles. A shortcoming of BCs is that up to 56% of positive cultures will represent contaminants. Poor adherence ...

Knowledge, attitude, and practice of pain assessment and management in children among pediatric and pediatric surgical residents in Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital

Background:Pain is widely prevalent regardless settingsand is thought to be one of themainreasons why patients seek medical care. Pain is consideredas the “fifth vital sign” and there is a need forit to be assessedand recordedregularly,as with other vital signs. Barriers to appropria...

From work-integrated learning to virtual case studies: Navigating an alternative to fieldwork in paediatric occupational therapy

Due to Covid-19 regulations, occupational therapy students’ access to clinical platforms was restricted and they were unable to perform traditional work integrated learning at approved placements. This situation compelled lecturers to design creative and innovative alternative fieldwork training activ...

Comment réussir l'épreuve de pédiatrie au diplôme d'Etat ? A l'usage des étudiants de 3è année des sciences infirmières

Cet ouvrage regroupe l'essentiel des connaissances que l'étudiant en fin de Cycle des Sciences Infirmières, section Infirmière/Sage-femme, doit savoir en pédiatrie. Il se présente sous forme de situations / problèmes et est centré sur le Plan des soins....