"The first ten cases of rhinoscleroma from Malawi and six from Eastern Zaire are reported. Most of the patients were aged between 20 and 40 years (age range 3-60) and presented with either a nasal ""tumour' or abnormalities of the nasal septum. Histological examination of biopsy material revealed feature...
The prevalence of active pulmonary tuberculosis at autopsy in two groups of Black miners who had died while working on the mines during the periods 1961-1963 and 1974-1978 was investigated. Radiographs had been taken regularly in both groups while they were alive to detect early tuberculous lesions. If a...
Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis can no longer be regarded as a rare disease in all parts of southern Africa. Information derived from a third postal survey added to that from our own experience in Cape Town has brought to light 116 cases; 61 of the patients came from the Cape Province; 40 from the Tr...
Malignant myeloma is not rare in tropical Africa. Its mode of presentation in Malawi is most often that of a tumour mass in bone. The types of immunoglobulin heavy and light chains in the tumour cells occur with a frequency similar to that observed in temperate countries...