Results: 35

Tuberculose chez les enfants de 0-14 ans: résistance primaire de Mycobacterium tuberculosis aux antituberculeux et variants génétiques à Kinshasa
Tuberculosis in children aged 0-14: primary resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to antituberculosis drugs and genetic variants in Kinshasa

Dans les régions endémiques y compris la République Démocratique du Congo, les enfants sont susceptibles d’être exposés à la tuberculose (TB) par un contact dans l’entourage. L’absence de diagnostic peut avoir des conséquences dévastatrices. L’objectif de la présente étude était de d...

Identifying challenges in implementing child rights instruments in Nigeria: A nationwide survey of knowledge, perception, and practice of child rights among doctors and nurses

Ann. afr. med; 22 (2), 2023
Context: After thirty years of ratifying the child rights convention and nineteen years of the Child Rights Act, implementing child rights instruments remains challenging in Nigeria. Healthcare providers are well positioned to change the current paradigm. Aim: To examine the knowledge, perception, and pr...

Prevalence and Determinants of the use of Enema in under-five children in Akwa Ibom State

Ibom Medical Journal; 15 (2), 2022
Background: Use of enema in children across clinical and community settings are associated with risks. This study seeks to determine the prevalence of enema practice in under-five children, substances used as enema and the reasons for enema practice by mothers. Materials and Methods: This was a descripti...

A systematic review of clinical characteristics, co-morbidities and outcomes of COVID-19 in children and adolescents

Background: COVID-19 is a major global health challenge that has affected all age groups and gender, with over 5 million deaths reported worldwide to date. The objective of this study is to assess available information on COVID-19 in children and adolescents with respect to clinical characteristics, co-m...

Paediatric heart failure in Uyo A retrospective analysis

heart failure is a condition that continues to present challenges in management in our environment especially in its treatment and outcomes hence the aim of this study. Materials and Methods: A retrospective analysis of the case notes of all children who were diagnosed and managed for heart failure from ...

Assessing infant and young child feeding priorities to inform the development of a nutrition social and behaviour change communication (SBCC) strategy during a pandemic threat

Objectives: This study was undertaken to identify stakeholder needs and wants in relation to an Infant and Young Child Feeding, Social and Behaviour Change Communication (SBCC) strategy for the 16 Southern African Development Community (SADC) member states during Covid-19 lockdowns and travel restriction...

Assessment of the realisation of the right to adequate food in the Blue Crane Route (Eastern Cape, South Africa)

Objectives: To assess whether the right to adequate food (RtF) is realised by children and primary caregivers and what actions are required to fully realise this right. Design: A cross-sectional, descriptive study was undertaken using a mixed-methods approach. Setting and subjects: Rural and urban prima...

Gunshot injury in children: A 3-year review of cases that presented to the Jos University Teaching Hospital, North Central Nigeria

OBJECTIVES: Gunshot injuries among children are a major clinical and public health concern and one of the leading causes of pediatric morbidity and mortality. This usually takes a great financial and emotional toll on the affected children, their families, and society as a whole. The objective of the stu...

Fertility desire and associated factors among people on antiretroviral treatment at a public health facility in Hawassa city, Southern Ethiopia

African Health Sciences; 22 (3), 2022
Background: Fertility desire is the plan of people to have a child or more children in the face of being diagnosed with HIV and plan to a commitment to implement the desire. Methods: An institutional-based cross-sectional study was conducted in Hawassa city public health facilities from May 09 –July 07...

Challenges of caregivers and needs of children with parents in a Nigerian prison

Separation of a parent from the family as a result of incarceration has both short-term and term effects on the family, even after release from prison. This study is a report of factors and challenges of the family left to adapt to the changed circumstances of separation from parent(s) who are incarcerat...