Results: 31

Assessment of the effect of treatment on the quality of life of adult Keloid

Background: Documentations of the effect of treatment on the quality of life of keloid patients are few. This study assessedimprovement in quality-of-lifefollowing keloid treatment. In addition, to assess which of the offered four modalities of treatment improved quality of life more.Methods:Thisquasi-ex...

Insights into the clinical profile and comorbidities of factitious disorder in a multispeciality setting in southwest Nigeria: A cases series and review

Babcock Univ. Med. J; 5 (2), 2022
Background: Factitious disorder (FD) is an under-recognized and under-diagnosed mental condition. Healthcare professionals often have challenges to diagnose and treating the disorder. As a result, needless and endless medical resources are recommended to assess and evaluate those affected. FD may present...

Assessment of clinical profiles, and treatment outcomes for children with diabetic ketoacidosis, in two hospitals selected from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2020

Type 1 diabetes mellitus(T1DM)is a common autoimmune disorder that often presents in children. In these patients, diabetic ketoacidosis(DKA)is one of the most common and serious acute complications, which isassociated with significant morbidity and mortality. The study aimed to assess the clinical profil...

Perception on cervical cancer and enhancing strategies to screening uptake among women in Bamenda, Cameroon: A qualitative method

The treatment of cervical cancer has a good prognosis if diagnosed early. Hence, screening is very vital. The aim of this study was to evaluate the perception of women on cervical cancer and strategies to enhance its screening uptake in the city of Bamenda, Cameroon. Qualitative study was carried out fro...

Overview of human and animal brucellosis in Nigeria and its economic impacts on production

Brucellosis is a wide spread zoonotic bacterial disease of humans and animals. In humans the disease is recognized commonly as undulant fever, characterized by headache malaise, and arthritis. Brucellosis can occur in any age group, but mainly found in young men between the ages of 20 and 40 years becau...

The prevalence and correlates of anxiety and depression amongst essential workers during the COVID-19 lockdown in Ekiti State, Nigeria

Background: Essential workers are imperative in the fight against the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. Aim: To assess the prevalence and factors associated with anxiety and depression among essential workers during the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown. Setting: This study was set in Ekiti State, Ni...

Managing acute opioid withdrawal with tramadol during COVID-19 lockdown in a peri-urban setting

Background: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has highlighted the scope of heroin dependence and need for evidence-based treatment amongst marginalised people in South Africa. Acute opioid withdrawal management without maintenance therapy carries risks of increased morbidity and mortality. Due to t...

Interêt du score d’Alvarado dans la prise en charge de l’appendicite aiguë au centre hospitalier universitaire Sourô Sanou de Bobo Dioulasso
interest of score d'Alvarado in the management of acute appendicitis at the Sourô Sanou university teaching hospital in Bobo Dioulasso

Le but de ce travail était d’appliquer le score d’Alvarado et d’évaluer son intérêt dans la prise en charge des patients suspects d’appendicite aigue. Patients et méthodes : Il s’est agi d’une étude transversale à visée descriptive allant du 1er janvier 2019 au 31 Mars 2021, incluant ...

Pityriasis versicolor, aspects épidémio-cliniques, facteurs associés et qualité de vie à Parakou (Bénin) en 2020

Le pityriasis versicolor (PV) est une pathologie cutanée fréquemment rencontrée en consultation dermatologique, surtout dans les pays à climat tropical. Une étude épidémio-clinique, s’intéressant aussi aux comorbidités associées et au retentissement de la maladie a été réalisée. Elle a c...

SARS-CoV-2 em Grávidas e Puérperas no Início da Transmissão Comunitária na Cidade de Maputo
SARS-CoV-2 in Pregnant and Postpartum Women at the Beginning of Transmission Community in Maputo City

A COVID-19 é causada por coronavírus descri to pela primeira vez em 2019, designado SARS- -CoV-2,1 e afectou até ao momento milhões de pessoas em todo o mundo, resultando em milhares de óbitos.2 O quadro patológico pode cursar com síndrome respiratória aguda grave. Nos casos sin tomáticos, os do...