Results: 4

Appréciation de la qualité des soins dans le service de pédiatrie de l’hôpital spécialisé mère-enfant blanche Gomes (hsmebg) de Brazzaville (Congo)

Objective: Is the quality of care in the pediatric department of HSMEBG appreciable? The objective of this work is to study the quality of care in the pediatric department of the Blanche Gomes Mother-Child Specialized Hospital in Brazzaville (Congo) in order to enable its improvement.Met...

Needs for establishment and adoption of regional one health approach for preparedness and response to public health threats in the East African Community

Introduction:One Health approach integrates human, animal, and environmental health, recognizing their intricate relationship. It is an important approach to address complex public health challenges such as zoonoses, anti-microbial resistance (AMR), food safety and security, the impact of cl...

Perceptions des gestantes sur le vaccin contre la COVID-19 à Kinshasa, R.D. Congo. Etude qualitative multicentrique menée dans la Zone de santé de Binza Météo
Pregnant women's perceptions of the COVID-19 vaccine in Kinshasa, D.R. Congo. Multicentric qualitative study conducted in the Binza Météo Health Zone

The aim of this study was to understand pregnant women's perceptions of vaccination against COVID-19. The study was conducted using a qualitative approach. Data was collected through individual interviews and focus groups. Data analysis consisted of a thematic analysis of the content of the interviews. T...

Information about COVID-19: Lessons learned from Mali

Health sci. dis; 23 (11), 2022
Introduction. In Mali, information related to COVID-19 is regularly shared by the coordination board against COVID-19 through daily official press releases and situation reports. The goal of this study was to analyze data related to the tested samples; and the confirmed, contacts, recovered and dead case...