Results: 5

Comparing cardiorespiratory fitness and physical activity levels between third- and fifth-year medical students in a South African university

Background: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors such as sedentary behaviour, decreased physical activity (PA), and low cardiorespiratory fitness lead to an increased and accelerated risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality. Medical students tend to adopt sedentary lifestyles due to a demanding ...

A comparative cross-sectional assessment of the preventive and healthy life style practices of doctors in port Harcourt, Rivers State

Lifestyle modification in relation to disease prevention and outcome has recently received increasing awareness around the world and in Nigeria. Poor lifestyle choices make people susceptible to many chronic illnesses including thirteen cancers. Medical doctors are gate keepers and educators of health.Ob...

Is vitamin D status associated with non-communicable disease risk in children? A cohort study

Background: Studies in children and adults have reported variations in 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D), body mass index (BMI) and blood pressure (BP) over time. Furthermore, there has been a reported association of 25(OH)D with BMI, BP and lipid levels in some cross-sectional and longitudinal studies. Meth...

Publicidade de Géneros alimentares no meio Televisivo em Moçambique
Food advertising in the media Television in Mozambique

Nos dias que correm, tem-se assistido a mudanças “drásticas” no padrão alimentar e nutricional da população, e a televisão é apontada como um dos grandes factores que contribui para essas mudanças. Com objectivo principal de avaliar a frequência com que a publicidade sobre alimentos é veicu...

Saúde, estilo de vida e urbanização em Moçambique: problemas e perspectivas
Health, Lifestyle and urbanization in Mozambique: problems and perspectives

A irreversibilidade do processo de urbanização da população mundial está a atingir Moçambique de uma forma abrupta com múltiplas consequências para a saúde e bem, estar. Entre outros, o aumento da mecanização, o tempo de televisão, o uso do automóvel e o recurso a alimentação artificial, e...