Results: 35

Evaluation par régression logistique binaire de déterminants de la mortalité néonatale dans la province du Kongo Central
Evaluation by binary logistic regression of determinants of neonatal mortality in the Kongo Central province]

Neonatal mortality disturbs the whole of humanity. Its frequency remains very high throughout the world, but more so in developing countries. The DRC is ranked among the countries with the highest number of neonatal deaths in the world with the ratio of 47 per 1000 live births, (Kalonji DC et al 2018). I...

Increased peripartum mortality associated with maternal subclinical malaria in Mozambique

Malar. j. (Online); 22 (182), 2023
Background: Plasmodium falciparum infection in pregnant women in sub-Saharan Africa is often asymptomatic. As these forms of malaria are often submicroscopic and difficult to diagnose by conventional methods (microscopy and/or rapid diagnostic test), diagnosis requires the use of molecular techniques suc...

Correcting for Verbal Autopsy Misclassification Bias in Cause-Specific Mortality Estimates

Am. j. trop. med. hyg; 108 (5), 2023
Verbal autopsies (VAs) are extensively used to determine cause of death (COD) in many low- and middle-income countries. However, COD determination from VA can be inaccurate. Computer coded verbal autopsy (CCVA) algorithms used for this task are imperfect and misclassify COD for a large proportion of deat...

Facteurs pronostiques des pneumopathies acquises sous ventilation mécanique en réanimation polyvalente du CHU d’Angre (RCI)

Mali méd. (En ligne); 38 (1), 2023
Objectifs : Identifier les facteurs de mauvais pronostic des pneumopathies acquises sous ventilation mécanique(PAVM) afin d’améliorer leur prise en charge.Patients et methode : Etude prospective, descriptive et analytique portant sur les patients admis en réanimation du CHU d’Angré du 1er novembr...

Rectal artesunate for severe malaria, implementation research, Zambia

Bull. W.H.O. (Online); 101 (6), 2023
Objective To determine whether the positive results of a single-district pilot project focused on rectal artesunate administration at the community level in Zambia could be replicated on a larger scale. Methods In partnership with government, in 10 rural districts during 2018–2021 we: (i) trained commu...

Factors associated with COVID-19 fatality among patients admitted in Mashonaland West Province, Zimbabwe 2020-2022: a secondary data analysis

Pan Afr. med. j; 44 (142), 2023
Introduction: approximately 15% of COVID-19 patients develop symptoms necessitating admission. From 2020 to 2022, Mashonaland West Province had an institutional case fatality rate of 23% against a national rate of 7%. Therefore, we evaluated the COVID-19 admissions in the province to determine the factor...

Evaluate the incidence, topography, management, and outcomes in patients with polytrauma in the Suez Canal and Sinai areas

Introduction: The global prevalence of trauma-related mortality ranges from 2% to 32%; however, In Egypt, it reaches 8%. Trauma chiefly affects people in the productive age group; seriously ill patients with multiple injuries present with various levels of polytrauma. Application of incorrect triage syst...

Choc hémorragique péri-opératoire au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Androva, Mahajanga, Madagascar

Introduction : Le choc hypovolémique est une défaillance circulatoire aiguë et critique, mettant rapidement en jeu le pronostic vital. L’objectif de l’étude était de déterminer les aspects épidémio-cliniques et la prise en charge du choc hémorragique periopéraoire au centre hospitalier de M...

Risk factors associated with COVID-19 morbidity and mortality at a national tertiary referral treatment centre in Ghana: a retrospective analysis

PAMJ clin. med; 11 (17), 2023
Introduction: there is a substantial variation in COVID-19 case fatality rates across different locations, which may be due to differences in population age structure, patient factors, or health system factors. The study evaluated the clinical features and risk of COVID-19 morbidity and mortality among c...

A critical analysis of discovery health’s claims-based risk adjustment of mortality rates in South African private sector hospitals

S. Afr. med. j. (Online); 113 (1), 2023
In 2019, Discovery Health published a risk adjustment model to determine standardised mortality rates across South African private hospital systems, with the aim of contributing towards quality improvement in the private healthcare sector. However, the model suffers from limitations due to its design and...