Results: 7

A cliniccopathologic correlation study of 2396 histopathologic skin biopsy specimens

Clinicopathologic correlation of skin biopsies is relevant in a dermatology patient's management. The study aimed to conduct a clinicopathologic corellation of skin samples. Methods: Retrospective cross-sectional analysis of 2,396 skin biopsy specimens submitted between January 2015 and December 2021. ...

The effect of CAM comprehensive nursing interventionsontheimprovement of quality of life to patients with breast cancer and gynaecological tumours

Background: Breastcancerin females, which is consideredthe most dreadfuldisease in India andthe worldas compared toother gynaecological cancers,demands extensive care and proper medicationin order to control itsprogressive growth. In addition to the conventional care ofthe patients, Co...

The effect of CAM comprehensive nursing interventions on the improvement of quality of life to patients with breast cancer and gynaecological tumours

Ethiop. j. health dev. (Online); / VOL. 36 NO. 2 (2022) (2), 2022
Background: Breastcancerin females, which is consideredthe most dreadfuldisease in India andthe worldas compared toother gynaecological cancers,demands extensive care and proper medicationin order to control itsprogressive growth. In addition to the conventional care ofthe patients, Co...

Histopathological pattern of Orbito-Ocular Lesions, a retrospective hospital-based study spanning 15 years

African Health Sciences; 22 (3), 2022
Background: Many previous studies on orbito-ocular lesions are skewed in favour of the neoplastic lesions in general and the malignant lesions in particular. This, therefore, creates a vacuum on the spectrum of these lesions, thus may result in problematic diagnostic bias by the ophthalmologist and patho...

Immunohistochemical Study and Clinicopathologic Correlation of Cox-2 and Her-2 Expression in Colorectal Carcinoma: A 5-Year Retrospective Study

West Afr. j. med; 39 (11), 2022
BACKGROUND: Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the fourth most common cancer in Nigeria, and it affects mostly persons in their middle age. In a bid to gain some insight into the molecular characteristics of CRC in our environment, we set out to investigate the expression of COX-2 and HER-2 among Nigerian subjec...

The effect of CAM comprehensive nursing interventions on the improvement of quality of life to patients with breast cancer and gynaecological tumours

Breastcancerin females, which is consideredthe most dreadfuldisease in India andthe worldas compared toother gynaecological cancers,demands extensive care and proper medicationin order to control itsprogressive growth. In addition to the conventional care ofthe patients, Complementary ...

A spectrum of findings on computed tomography in paediatric abdominal and pelvic tumours in a Ghanaian teaching hospital

Ghana med. j; 56 (4), 2022
Objectives: To review the Computed Tomography( CT )features of pediatric oncological patients with abdominal and pelvic tumours and correlate these findings with their histopathological diagnosis Design: This was a retrospective cross-sectional facility-based study. Setting: This study was conducted in...