Results: 6

Etude du paiement électronique des agents de santé: cas de la campagne de vaccination contre la rougeole et la rubéole en Côte d’Ivoire

La motivation des agents de santé à travers le paiement à temps et complet constitue l’un des éléments clés pour atteindre de bonne couverture vaccinale. Notre objectif était de décrire le paiement électronique utilisé lors de la campagne rubéole-rougeole et d’apprécier la satisfaction du...

Appréciation de la qualité des soins dans le service de pédiatrie de l’hôpital spécialisé mère-enfant blanche Gomes (hsmebg) de Brazzaville (Congo)

Objective: Is the quality of care in the pediatric department of HSMEBG appreciable? The objective of this work is to study the quality of care in the pediatric department of the Blanche Gomes Mother-Child Specialized Hospital in Brazzaville (Congo) in order to enable its improvement.Met...

Access, perceived quality and uptake of antenatal services in urban communities of Osun state, Southwest Nigeria

Quality antenatal care (ANC) is one of the key interventions to improve intrapartum care uptakes and to reduce the menace of maternal deaths globally. Yet, ANC coverage has remained low in many developing countries like Nigeria. It becomes imperative to contextually understand factors associated with ANC...

Awareness and satisfaction with antenatal care services among pregnant women in Lagos state, Nigeria

Objectives: Despite the growing interest and efforts by government to make popular use of antenatal care (ANC) services in Nigeria as recommended by the World Health Organization, high level of infant and maternal mortality remains a major public health challenge facing the country. Dissatisfaction towar...

Job satisfaction amongst Nigerian ophthalmologists: an exploratory study

Aim: This study aimed to assess job satisfaction amongst Nigerian Ophthalmologists. Methods: The study was conducted during the annual congress of the Ophthalmological Society of Nigeria in September 2008. One hundred and ten ophthalmologists were selected by simple random sampling and asked to complete ...