Results: 11

Determinants of enrolment for community-based health insurance in Somali region of Ethiopia

Background: Community-based health insurance (CBHI) is a type of health insurance programme that provides financial protection against the cost of illnesses and improves access to healthcare services for communities in the informal sector. Am: The aim was to assess the determinants of enrolment for CBHI ...

Déterminants de l'utilisation des services de santé en République du Congo: cas des ménages du District Sanitaire de Moungali
Determinants of health service utilization in the Republic of Congo: case of households in the Moungali Health District

Pan Afr. med. j; 50 (), 2025
Introduction: l'utilisation des services de santé reste un défi majeur pour atteindre la couverture sanitaire universelle. Cependant en République du Congo, peu d'études mettent en évidence les déterminants de leur utilisation. L´objectif de notre étude était d´estimer le taux d´utilisation de...

A mini-review of sub-populations missing in the malaria control loop

Babcock Univ. Med. J; 7 (2), 2024
Background: The world malaria burden increased from an estimated 245 million incidents in 2020 to 247 million cases in 2021, and by the latest report, a further increase to 249 million cases. Where present, malaria affects people of all groups, irrespective of age, race, and social status. Main body: Mal...

La couverture maladie universelle au Sénégal: quand les facteurs socio-économiques expliquent l’adhésion et le recours aux mutuelles de santé à Ziguinchor (Sénégal)

Cet article s’intéresse aux rôlesdes perceptionssocio-économiquesdansl’adhésion et lerecours à la Couverture Maladie Universelle(CMU)à Ziguinchor. En effet, la CMU est un programmenationald’assurance santé lancé en 2013 par le gouvernement du Sénégal. Ce programme s’appuie sur les mutue...

Determinants of nonrenewal of National Health Insurance (NHI) membership cards among healthcare workers in the Kintampo North Municipality, Bono East Region of Ghana

PAMJ - One Health; 9 (NA), 2022
Introduction: National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) was implemented in Ghana in 2004 to serve as the lifeline to realizing Universal Health Coverage (UHC). Available evidence suggests that, formal sector workers do not promptly renew their expired NHIS membership cards. This study was therefore conduct...

National policy framework and strategy on palliative care 2017-2022

Palliative care is a multidisciplinary approach to the holistic care and support for patients and families facing a life-threatening illness, improving quality of life while maintaining dignity from the time of diagnosis until death. For children, the spectrum of illness includes life limiting illnesses/...