BINACIS – Bibliografía Nacinal en Ciencias de la Salud de Argentina | BINACIS

Results: 6

Origen y avances del Observatorio Internacional de Neumoconiosis

Exposición al asbesto en casos de mesotelioma pleural en la República Argentina

Rev. am. med. respir; 19 (4), 2019
Introducción: El mesotelioma pleural es un tumor poco frecuente de alto grado de malignidad. Es considerada una enfermedad profesional cuyo desarrollo fue paralelo al uso industrial del asbesto. En Argentina, el asbesto fue prohibido en el año 2003. El objetivo de este estudio fue conocer las caracterÃ...

Asbestos Exposure in Cases of Pleural Mesothelioma in the Argentine Republic

Rev. am. med. respir; 19 (4), 2019
Introduction: Pleural mesothelioma is a rare tumor with a high degree of malignancy. It is considered an occupational disease that has developed in parallel with the industrial use of asbestos. In Argentina, the asbestos was prohibited in 2003. The objective of this study is to know the clinical and diag...

Evaluación de la radiación recibida por personal y pacientes durante la CPRE en el Uruguay

BACKGROUND: The ERCP procedure requires the use of fluoroscopy with the subsequent exposure to ionizing radiation. The doses received by patients, physicians and assistants in the endoscopy have never been recorded in our area. This analysis describes the findings of the MIRED_Uy study (measuring radiati...

Los accidentes laborales en la era del VIH. Soluciones a un problema creciente

HIV/AIDS has changed the way the medical profession cares for patients. Uninformed doctors still turn away suspected and confirmed cases of HIV/AIDS for fear of contracting the disease themselves, especially in the developing world. Increasing awareness of universal precautions and the modes of spread of...

Estudio de la función visual en el trabajo con computadoras
[Visual function study in work with computer]

Medicina (B.Aires); 62 (2), 2002
This investigation searched for the relationship between amount of nearwork, asthenopic symptoms and visual function, in a group of office workers engaged in telemarketing. Phoria, monocular accommodative facility with +/- 2 lens flippers and near point of convergence were measured in 100 office workers ...