Results: 3

Level of Betatrophin in PCOS patients

Prensa méd. argent; 105 (7), 2019
PCOS is known now as an endocrine, metabolic, and chronic inflamatory disorder, with hyperandrogenemia, insulin resistance and obesity being the key factors that influence the expression and symptoms of the condition. Objective: To assess the level of alpha fetoprotein in PCOS women. Patients and method:...

Hyperandrogenism produced by ovarian tumors in women at different life stages
Hyperandrogenism produced by ovarian tumors in women at different life stages.

OBJECTIVE: to evaluate the different presentations of hyperandrogenism produced by ovarian tumors in women at different life stages DESIGN: case report. SETTING: academic institutions. PATIENT(S): 3 patients at different life stages, with increased androgen levels. INTERVENTION(S): review of hospital rec...

Evaluación de sensibilidad-especificidad de valores de 170H progesterona sérica, basales y post estímulo con ACTH, en función del análisis molecular del gen CYP21A2 en la deficiencia de 21-hidroxilasa no clásica

Med. infant; 17 (2), 2010
La forma no clásica, post natal, de la hiperplasia suprarrenal congénita tiene una incidencia de 1 en 1000 en la población general y afecta al 6% de las mujeres hirsutas. En este estudio se estableció la sensibilidad y la especificidad de la respuesta de los niveles séricos de 17-hidroxiprogesterona...