Results: 3

Rara presentación de un linfoma espinal: informe de caso y diagnóstico mediante resonancia magnética
Rare presentation of a spinal lymphoma: case report and diagnosis by magnetic resonance imaging

El linfoma primario del sistema nervioso central es una forma de enfermedad extraganglionar originada en el cerebro, la leptomeninges, la médula espinal o los ojos. Los tumores espinales son neoplasias de baja prevalencia y pueden causar una morbimortalidad neurológica considerable. El...

Amiloidosis sistémica, a propósito de un caso de autopsia
SYstemic Amyloidosis. About an autopsy case

Prensa méd. argent; 104 (6), 2018
During history, amylidosis was observed associated to a great variety of inflammatory diseases, and due to this, appeared the term "secondary amyloidosis". The forms of sudden presentation without any apparent cause are classified as "primary amyloidosis", and also the localized amyloidosis was character...

Tumores hipofisarios, casuística de Anatomía Patológica
Pituitary tumors: anatomopathological reports

Prensa méd. argent; 104 (6), 2018
This study examines a description of pituitary tumors considering an anatomopathological casuistic. The study of the tumors of the Central Nervous System (CNS) include the pituitary gland, located in the sella turcica. The pathology of the sellar region is represented by the adenomas, tumors of slow deve...