Results: 593

Stigma and discrimination in sexually diverse nursing students: a qualitative studys

Introduction: Sexually diverse nursing students often face situations of stigma and discrimination within the university environment, which can significantly affect their educational experience and well-being. Objective: To understand nursing students' experiences regarding stigma and discrimination due ...

Empathic behavior in nursing and medicine students

Introduction: Empathy is an attribute that contributes to humane care of patients and increases the likelihood of successful treatment. Objectives: To measure the levels of empathy and its dimensions, and diagnose empathic behavior in medicine and nursing students. Materials and Methods: This was a non-e...

Burden of nursing care: a concept analysis

Introduction: The burden of nursing care has not been defined as a theoretical or operational concept. However, several studies have demonstrated its impact on the quality of care, the increase in adverse events, and the health of nursing staff. Objective: To analyze the attributes, factors, antecedents,...

Functional Capacity and Self-Care in Post-COVID-19 Patients in a Recovery Program

Aquichan (En linea); 24 (3), 2024
Introducción: la COVID-19 se manifiesta con síntomas agudos. Tras la infección por coronavírus, estos pueden persistir o pueden aparecer otros nuevos, comprometiendo la capacidad funcional y el autocuidado. Esta condición se ha denominado “síndrome Post COVID-19 agudo”. Objetivo: evaluar la cap...

Perception of Knowledge Transfer from Clinical Simulations to the Care Practice in Nursing Students

Invest. educ. enferm; 42 (2), 2024
Objetivo. Avaliar a percepção da transferência de conhecimentos das simulações clínicas para a prática assistencial em estudantes de enfermagem por meio de um debriefing eficaz. Métodos. Foi realizado um estudo observacional, descritivo e transversal com uma lista de 281 estudante...

Religious/spiritual coping in people with chronic kidney disease: a cross-sectional study

Introduction: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is considered a public health problem due to its high morbidity and mortality rates. Objective: To assess religious/spiritual coping in people with chronic kidney disease as a strategy for coping with the disease. Materials and Methods: This quantitative explora...

Effect of virtual reality distraction on venipuncture pain in children in the emergency room

Introduction: Virtual reality (VR) as a distraction strategy has been used in healthcare centers; however, the evidence is inconsistent in demonstrating VR's effect on pain control during venipuncture. Objective: To describe the effect of VR on pain during the venipuncture process in children and adolesc...

Sleep quality and job satisfaction in Spanish nurses: the consequences of COVID-19

Introduction: Sleep is fundamental to the quality of life and can affect individuals' well-being and mental health. Objective: This study analyzed sleep quality and job satisfaction among Spanish nurses following the COVID-19 pandemic. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted using th...

Desafíos del profesional de Enfermería en el nexo salud y cambio climático

Aquichan (En linea); 24 (2), 2024
La población mundial está enfrentando una de las mayores amenazas para la subsistencia de todas las especies. El cambio climático está afectando la salud de las personas y representa un reto para los profesionales de enfermería, quienes están llamados a trabajar con equipos transdisciplinarios para...

Influencia de la masculinidad y la feminidad en el consumo de alcohol en jóvenes: revisión de alcance

Aquichan (En linea); 24 (2), 2024
Introducción: el consumo de alcohol es una práctica social compleja que desempeña un papel en la construcción y consolidación de amistades, así como en la formación de identidades de género. Este último determina los límites de los comportamientos y define lo que se considera apropiado o inapro...