Results: 593

Father's participation in prenatal and childbirth: contributions of nurses' interventions

Invest. educ. enferm; 39 (2), 2021
Objective. To describe the discourse of men about participation in prenatal care and childbirth/birth of their children from the contributions made by nurses. Methods. This is an exploratory study, with a qualitative approach, carried out in the wards of a public hospital/maternity hospital in a city in ...

Tecnologias para a educação em saúde com adolescentes: revisão integrativa
Technologies for health education with adolescents: An integrative review

Av. enferm; 39 (2), 2021
Objetivo: identificar, na literatura nacional e internacional, as tecnologias para a educação em saúde com adolescentes. Síntese do conteúdo: a maioria dos estudos foi realizada por enfermeiros. O período de publicação foi entre 1999 e 2018, com prevalência de estudos qualitativos e metodológic...

Necesidades de cuidado dentro del hospital del cuidador de personas con cancer
Care Needs of Caregivers of Patients with Cancer during Inpatient Stay

Introducción: La existencia de un paciente con cáncer en el seno de la familia implica desafíos y lleva a una necesidad de reorganización de la dinámica familiar para la prestación de cuidados, lo que puede provocar la negligencia de los auto-cuidados del cuidador, además de las necesidades de seg...

Dor mamário em lactantes: prevalência e factores associados
Breast pain in breastfeeding mothers: prevalence and associated factors

Introdução: Apesar dos benefícios reconhecidos cientificamente do aleitamento materno, o desmame precoce ainda é uma realidade, sendo relacionado a causas multifatoriais, incluindo os problemas mamários, que podem dificultar ou até interromper esse processo. Objetivo: estimar a prevalência da dor ...

Microcephaly Diagnosis: Maternal Perspectives About the Organization of the Health Care Network

Aquichan; 21 (1), 2021
Objetivo: entender a organização da Rede de Atenção à Saúde (RAS) a partir de vivências de mães e de familiares no processo assistencial para o diagnóstico de microcefalia. Materiais e métodos: pesquisa descritiva e exploratória, de abordagem qualitativa, realizada com 14 mães de crianças co...

Adaptabilidad, cohesión y funcionalidad familiar de los enfermeros durante el estado de emergencia por covid-19
Adaptability, cohesion and family functionality of nurses during state of emergency by COVID-19

Av Enferm; 39 (1 supl. Especial Nuevo Coronavirus), 2021
Objective: To evaluate nurses’ family adaptability, cohesion, and functionality during the state of emergency by COVID-19. Materials and method: The following is an exploratory, quantitative, descriptive, and cross-sectional study. We used a snowball sample, non-probabilistic, and for convenience. ...

The Journal Investigación y Educación en Enfermería is Indexed in PubMed Central

Invest. educ. enferm; 39 (1), 2021
As Editor, it is a joy to share with you the great news that the journal Investigación y Educación en Enfermería was accepted for indexation in PubMed Central (PMC), which is the world’s largest repository of knowledge on health sciences. PubMed Central has close to seven million articles in full te...

Interface between women’s health and violence in the training of nurses in Brazil

Invest. educ. enferm; 39 (1), 2021
Objective. To analyze the theoretical interfaces of violence against women in the nursing undergraduate curricula of public Higher Education Institutions in Brazil. Methods. Documentary and descriptive study with a qualitative approach. The documentary search happened through the access to the E-mec webs...