Introducción: las infecciones profundas del cuello son patologías complejas con gran potencial de complicaciones graves, que, debido a su ubicación pueden ser de difícil reconocimiento y manejo. Es de gran importancia realizar un diagnóstico asertivo y ofrecer el tratamiento adecuado para poder dism...
Introducción: los quistes epidermoides son el tercer tumor más común del ángulo pontocerebeloso (APC). Es infrecuente detectar simultáneamente un colesteatoma infiltrativo del oído medio (OM). Caso clínico: paciente de 51 años acude a urgencias por cefalea hemicraneal intensa, pulsátil secundari...
Introducción: la cefalea rinogénica es secundaria al contacto permanente de la mucosa nasal y puede ser secundario a concha bullosa, si se infecta puede ser mucocele o mucopiocele. Caso clínico: paciente de 34 años con cefalea hemicraneal izquierda, dolor periocular ipsilateral, congestión y rinorre...
Objective. To analyze the concept of autonomy of nurses in Intensive Care Units (ICU). Methods. The hybrid model approach proposed by Schwartz-Barcott and Kim, which includes theoretical, fieldwork and analytical phases, was used for this study. For the theoretical and field...
Objective. This work aimed to determine the validity and reliability of the Colombian Spanish version of the Nursing Delirium Screening Scale (Nu-DESC). Methods.A psychometric study was conducted to achieve the goal of this study, which measured face validity, content validi...
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected education systems worldwide and led to the closure of face-to-face education in schools and universities. Virtual education has been offered as an alternative to face-to-face teaching in educational centers. Virtual or online education is a type of formal ...
Background. Numerous health conditions in the older adult population can be attributed to falls, including traumatic brain injury (TBI), which can lead to devastating short and long-term sequelae. Older adults are also more likely to experience frailty, which encompasses physical, p...
Objective. To describe the recruitment, retention of family caregivers, and adherence to a telephone based intervention evaluated in a multi-site trial and provide recommendations for the design of future studies. Methods.A descriptive study based on a secondary analy...
Objective. To identify socio-academic and family functionality factors – communication, cohesion, and flexibility – as predictive stimuli of adaptive coping of nursing university students in the post-COVID-19 pandemic. Methods. A cross-sectional descriptive ...
Objective. This work sought to describe the influence of Marie Poussepin on Nursing from her vocation of service and charity. Method. Historical-hermeneutic study with participation by 15 Dominican Sisters of Charity in the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin from the city ...