Results: 13

Aceites esenciales y calidad de vida: percepción del efecto de esta terapia alternativa en personas con síndrome de carga del cuidador

Introducción. Las personas con síndrome de carga del cuidador requieren una intervención sobre sus alteraciones físicas y emocionales; una alternativa terapéutica en neurorehabilitación son los aceites esenciales. Objetivo. Identificar el efecto de la terapia con aceites esenciales sobre la calida...

O uso de óleos essenciais e aromaterapia no trabalho de parto
The use of essential oils and aromatherapy in labor

Introdução: a aromaterapia consiste na utilização de óleos essenciais na prevenção ou no tratamento de diversas afecções humanas. No trabalho de parto, pode ser aplicada para o alívio da dor e ansiedade. Objetivo: identificar na literatura científica sobre o uso da aromaterapia e dos óleos es...

Actividad repelente e insecticida de dos aceites esenciales de Piper del Nor-Occidente del Pacífico Colombiano

Introducción: El uso inapropiado de plaguicidas en alimentos y la resistencia que las plagas han adquirido frente a estos, han traído consigo problemas de salud pública; con el objetivo de disminuir el empleo de estas sustancias nocivas, se han realizado estudios biológicos con productos vegetales (a...

Formulation and antimicrobial activity evaluation of a 0. 2% chlorhexidine canine mouthwash with essential oils

Vitae (Medellín); 28 (1), 2021
Background: Periodontal disease is the infection and inflammation of the gums, bones, and tissues involved in teeth support, and it is one of the most common diseases affecting pet dogs. Essential oils have shown antimicrobial activity against bacteria causing periodontal disease; therefore, they are con...

Effectiveness of Chlorhexidine and Essential Oils Associated with Scaling and Root Planing in the Treatment of Chronic Periodontitis

Abstract Introduction: Adjunctive treatment for periodontal disease is quite varied and depends on many factors. This study aims to compare the effectiveness of 0.12% chlorhexidine and essential oils associated with scaling and root planing in the treatment of chronic periodontitis. Material and method...

Antifungal effects of Ziziphora tenuior, Lavandula angustifolia, Cuminum cyminum essential oils against clinical isolates of Candida albicans from women suffering from vulvovaginal candidiasis

Infectio; 23 (3), 2019
Candida sp. especially C. albicans is the main cause of candidiasis in women in reproductive ages. The prevalence of drug resistant C. albicans along with adverse effects of current treatments have encouraged the scientists to research on medicinal plant's essential oils. The aim of this study was to eva...

Satureja khuzistanica Jamzad essential oil and its anti-candidal activities against clinical isolates of Candida albicans isolated from women with candidiasis

Infectio; 23 (1), 2019
Satureja khuzistanica Jamzad is known as antiseptic and analgesic agent in folk medicine. The aim of this investigation was to evaluate the anti-candidal activity of S. khuzistanica aerial parts essential oil against clinical isolates of Candida albicans, which were isolated from women with chronic recur...

Systematic review: The potency of Zataria multiflora Boiss in treatment of vaginal infections

Infectio; 22 (2), 2018
Vaginitis as female infectious disease is accompanied with some clinical symptoms such as vaginal abnormal discharges, itching, burning and many other unpleasant signs in patients. The responsible microorganisms in vaginitis are belonged to different kind of microorganisms including bacteria (Gardenella ...

Avaliação da atividade moduladora e citotóxica do óleo essencial das folhas de Hyptis martiusii Benth

Resumo Introdução: a espécie Hyptis martiusii Benth, comumente chamada de "cidrera del campo", têm múltiplas propriedades biológicas, como ser inseticida, antifúngica e anti-inflamatória. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a atividade moduladora do óleo essencial das folhas frescas de Hypt...

The anti-candidal activity of Pelargonium graveolens essential oils against clinical isolates of Candida albicans

Infectio; 22 (1), 2018
Objectives: Candida albicans as important opportunistic dimorphic fungi can cause the life threatening infections in humans. In this study, we evaluated the anticandidal activities of six samples of Pelargonium graveolens essential oils against 31 clinical isolates of C.albicans. Materials and methods: ...