Results: 2

An Open-Access Web-based Medical Image Atlas for Collaborative Medical Image Sharing, Processing, Web Semantic Searching and Analysis with Uses in Medical Training, Research and Second Opinion of Cases

NOVA publ. cient; 12 (22), 2014
Development of a Web-based atlas for collaborative image sharing, processing and analysis of diagnostic images. Materials and Methods: Use of Web 2.0 Personalized Learning Environment tools for social learning and knowledge construction and sharing. Results: The platform allows registered users to upload...

Resultados de SPECT miocárdico y eventos cardiovasculares en dos servicios de Medicina nuclear de Bogotá durante 2011 a 2012

Rev. colomb. cardiol; 21 (2), 2014
Objective: This study sought to determine the relationship between the results obtained from myocardial SPECT with pharmacologic stress with dipyridamole and the development of major cardiovascular events in the follow-up of patients treated at two nuclear medicine departments in Bogota, Colombia. Materi...