Resultados: 53

The ability of contemporary cardiologists to judge the ischemic impact of a coronary lesion visually

BACKGROUND: Landmark trials showed that invasive pressure measurement (Fractional Flow Reserve, FFR) was a better guide to coronary stenting than visual assessment. However, present-day interventionists have benefited from extensive research and personal experience of mapping anatomy to hemodynamics. AIM...

Caracterização anatômica e funcional da doença coronária obstrutiva e escores de risco para a tomada de decisão terapêutica
Functional anatomic characterization of obstructive coronary artery disease and risk scores for therapeutic decision-making

A doença arterial coronariana (DAC) permanece como uma das principais causas de mortalidade no mundo e o exame padrão-ouro para o seu diagnóstico é a angiografia coronariana invasiva. A quantificação do percentual de obstrução pode ser realizada por estimativa visual ou por angiografia coronária...

Critérios para indicação e resultados clínicos tardios da intervenção coronária percutânea na doença coronária crônica
Criteria of indications and long-term outcomes of percutaneous coronary intervention in patients with chronic coronary artery disease

Nesta revisão, os autores apresentam os resultados dos mais recentes estudos comparando tratamento médico otimizado com intervenção coronária percutânea a ele adicionada na doença coronária estável. O conjunto de resultados permite concluir que a intervenção assim executada é superior para ...

Intra-myocardial dissecting hematoma: late complication of cocaine-induced myocardial infarction

Intra-myocardial dissecting hematoma (IDH) is a rare and unusual form of myocardial rupture that can be secondary to complicate acute myocardail infarction (MI). It is usually caused by a hemorrhagic dissection between the layers of myocardial fibers that can occur during the acute injury or the remodel...

Factors that influence health literacy in patients with coronary artery disease

OBJECTIVE: to investigate the factors that exert an influence on health literacy in patients with coronary artery disease. METHODS: a cross sectional study, including 122 patients with coronary diseases (60.7% male; 62.07 ± 8.8 years old). Health literacy and specific knowledge about the disease were ev...

Left atrial strain as a predictor of left ventricular filling pressures in coronary artery disease with preserved ejection fraction: a comprehensive study with left ventricular end-diastolic and pre-atrial contraction pressures

Assessing left ventricular (LV) filling pressure (LVFP) is challenging in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) and preserved LV ejection fraction (LVEF). We aimed to correlate left atrial strain (LAS) with two invasive complementary parameters of LVFP and compared its accuracy to other echocardiog...

A randomized controlled trial comparing BioMime Sirolimus-Eluting Stent with Everolimus-Eluting Stent: two-year outcomes of the meriT-V trial

Cardiol Res.; 14 (4), 2023
BACKGROUND: Drug-eluting stents (DESs) based on biodegradable polymers (BPs) have been introduced to reduce the risk for late and very late stent thrombosis (ST), which were frequently observed with earlier generations of DES designs based on durable polymers (DPs); however, randomized controlled trials ...

Impact of complete revascularization in the IschemiaTrial

J. Am. Coll. Cardiol; 82 (12), 2023
BACKGROUND: Anatomic complete revascularization (ACR) and functional complete revascularization (FCR) have been associated with reduced death and myocardial infarction (MI) in some prior studies. The impact of complete revascularization (CR) in patients undergoing an invasive (INV) compared with a conser...

Tratamento de lesão de tronco da coronária esquerda em síndrome coronariana aguda instável
Treatment of left main coronary artery lesion in acute unstable coronary syndrome

J. Transcatheter Interv; 31 (supl.1), 2023
Apresentação Clínica Identificação: Paciente ACS, masculino, 65 anos, hipertenso, diabético não insulino-dependente e ex-tabagista. Medicações: Losartana 50mg 12/12h e Metformina 500mg 8/8h. Quadro Clínico: Iniciou quadro de dor torácica típica, intensidade 10/10. Chegou ao pronto-socorro com...

Ultrassom intracoronário para auxílio em decisão em trifurcação
Intracoronary ultrasound to aid decision making in trifurcation

J. Transcatheter Interv; 31 (supl.1), 2023
Apresentação Clínica Paciente de 76 anos, do sexo feminino, procurou o ProntoSocorro com mal estar, desconforto torácico e pico pressórico. Antecedentes Patológicos: Dislipidêmica; Transtorno de ansiedade; Ex-tabagista; Angioplastia com Stent em Carótida Esquerda há 16 anos; Sinais Vitais: FC 85...