Total: 6244

Fungi in dialysis water and dialysate: occurrence, susceptibility to antifungal agents and biofilm production capacity

The aim of this study was to investigate the occurrence of fungi in dialysis water and dialysate, in addition to evaluating the susceptibility to antifungals and the biofilm production capacity of isolated microorganisms. The samples were collected in three hemodialysis units in Bauru (Brazil), every 15 ...

Protocolo Clínico de Diretrizes Terapêuticas complementares da degeneração macular relacionada com a idade (forma neovascular) no Estado de Goiás
Clinical protocol and complementary therapeutic guidelines for age-related macular degeneration (neovascular form) in the State of Goiás - version Nov/2021

Protocolo, que, juntamente com o PCDT do Ministério da Saúde, devem ser considerados como referência diagnóstica e terapêutica pelos profissionais de saúde, em Goiás, para o atendimento de pessoas degeneração macular relacionada com a idade (forma neovascular) no Estado de Goás. Estabelece dire...

Specificity of HTLV screening tests and its impact on health care program costs: The perspective of antenatal screening in Brazil

Rev Soc Bras Med Trop; 54 (), 2021
Introduction: Brazil ranks first in the number of HTLV-1/-2-infected individuals worldwide. The high morbidity and mortality of HTLV-1-associated diseases, especially following infection in infancy, requires strong action to reduce vertical transmission. Methods: To facilitate the appraisal of the implem...

Consumo de açúcares e/ou edulcorantes e o comportamento da microbiota intestinal de crianças – revisão de escopo
Consumption of sugars and/or sweeteners and the behavior of the intestinal microbiota of children – scoping review

A alimentação e a nutrição constituem requisitos básicos para a promoção e a proteção da saúde. Uma alimentação adequada e saudável, principalmente nos dois primeiros anos de vida, colabora para a saúde infantil e adulta. Temos observado um consumo excessivo de alimentos industrializados, e...

Individual and context correlates of the oral pill and condom use among Brazilian female adolescents

BMC womens health; 21 (1), 2021
Background Studies have examined the impact of contextual factors on the use of contraceptives among adolescents and found that many measures of income and social inequality are associated with contraceptive use. However, few have focused on maternal and primary health indicators and its influence on ado...

An autopsy study of the spectrum of severe COVID-19 in children: From SARS to different phenotypes of MIS-C

EClinicalMedicine; 35 (), 2021
Background: COVID-19 in children is usually mild or asymptomatic, but severe and fatal paediatric cases have been described. The pathology of COVID-19 in children is not known; the proposed pathogenesis for severe cases includes immune-mediated mechanisms or the direct effect of SARS-CoV-2 on tissues. We...

Consumo de açucares e/ou edulcorantes e o comportamento da microbiota intestinal de crianças - revisão de escopo

A alimentação e a nutrição constituem requisitos básicos para a promoção e a proteção da saúde. Uma alimentação adequada e saudável, principalmente nos dois primeiros anos de vida, colabora para a saúde infantil e adulta. Temos observado um consumo excessivo de alimentos industrializados, e...

Evaluation of different monitoring methods of surface cleanliness in operating rooms

ABSTRACT Objectives: to evaluate different monitoring methods for detecting the presence of organic or biological matter before and after the cleaning and disinfection processes of the operating room. Methods: this is a cross-sectional study based on visual inspection, adenosine triphosphate levels and...