Resultados: 76

A Cross-sectional study on the prevalence and risk stratification of chronic kidney disease in cardiological patients in São Paulo, Brazil

Diagnostics (Basel); 13 (6), 2023
ABSTRACT: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) provides a worse prognosis for patients with heart disease. In Latin America, studies that analyzed the prevalence and risk stratification of CKD in this population are scarce. We aimed to evaluate CKD prevalence and risk categories in patients of a public referral ...

Aspectos psicológicos e estratégias de enfrentamento evidenciados em pacientes com doenças cardiovasculares

As doenças cardiovasculares (DCV) fazem parte de grupo de doenças crônicas e apresentam alto índice de mortalidade. Deste modo, representam grande demanda aos serviços hospitalares, contribuindo para um número alto de internações. Apesar dos grandes avanços tecnológicos e do conhecimento clíni...

Mortalidade de professores no estado de Goiás: análise de série temporal
Mortality of teachers in the state of Goiás: a time serie analysis

Análise de perfil epidemiológico e a tendência da mortalidade de professores da educação básica e do ensino superior no Estado de Goiás, no período de 2008 a 2017. Método: série temporal, com dados do Sistema de Informações sobre Mortalidade. Para a análise da tendência da mortalidade utili...

Hospitalization in the public health system in the municipality of São Paulo resulting from hypertensive diseases in the year of 2021

Arq. bras. cardiol; 119 (4 supl.1), 2022
INTRODUCTION: In Brazil, arterial hypertension has a high prevalence and low control rate, being a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, which implies large public health expenses related to hospitalizations resulting from complications. OBJECTIVE: To quantitatively analyze the hospitalizations result...

Epidemiological profile of patients with heart diseases with indications for palliative care

Arq. bras. cardiol; 119 (4 supl.1), 2022
INTRODUCTION: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death in Western countries, with heart failure being the final pathway of heart disease. Despite this, few patients are referred for Palliative Approach (PA). There is no consensus about the indication or the right time to refer patients ...

Compression of the left main coronary artery by a surgical implanted aortic valve prosthesis – a case report

Arq. bras. cardiol; 119 (4 supl.1), 2022
INTRODUCTION: Cardiovascular disease has been the leading cause of mortality worldwide since the 1960s, including coronary syndrome and valve disease.Surgical implantation of an aortic valve prosthesis is usually a low-risk procedure,but it can be challenging in selected cases.We describe here a compress...

Acute pericarditis and pericardial effusion after Covid-19 infection

Arq. bras. cardiol; 119 (4 supl.1), 2022
INTRODUCTION: COVID-19 infection has a wide spectrum of clinical presentations, including cardiovascular, including myocarditis and pericarditis. The prevalence and events associated with this condition still remain under analysis, as well as the repercussion of such complications after the viral infecti...

Left atrial minimum volume is better correlate of left atrial dysfunction by two-dimensional strain

Arq. bras. cardiol; 119 (4 supl.1), 2022
BACKGROUND: The analysis of left atrial (LA) function can add important information to the understanding of cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, to assess its functioning the use of volumetric measurements is adopted. The maximum LA volume is the most echocardiography parameter used, however, some studies...