Resultados: 18

Clinical and hemodynamic outcomes after aortic valve-in-valve replacement in a consecutive series of patients

Int. j. cardiovasc. sci. (Impr.); 37 (suppl. 13), 2024
FUNDAMENTALS: Bioprosthetic structural valve deterioration (SVD) is commonly diagnosed after an average interval of 7 to 10 years post-surgery, and surgical aortic valve replacement remains the most prevalent treatment in this condition. However, a significant proportion of affected patients (pts) are el...

Temporal evaluation of the neo-left ventricular outflow tract area with computed tomography in patients undergoing mitral valve-in-valve procedures

J. Am. Coll. Cardiol; 84 (18 Suppl. B), 2024
BACKGROUND The mitral valve-in-valve (ViV) procedure has shown excellent outcomes; however, obstruction of the new left ventricular outflow tract (Neo-LVOT) remains a concern. The computed tomog raphy (CT) measurements and the ideal predicted Neo-LVOT area for patients with mitral bioprosthesis dysfuncti...

TAVI-in-TAVI de salvamento por fratura de folheto: relato de caso
Salvage TAVI-in-TAVI for leaflet fracture: case report

Arq. bras. cardiol; 121 (9 supl.1), 2024
INTRODUÇÃO: A longa experiência em troca valvar cirúrgica nos ensinou acerca da durabilidade limitada de biopróteses. E assim como estas, as próteses implantadas via transcateter degeneram com o tempo, requerendo intervenção adicional. O desafio torna-se ainda maior quando a indicação do proced...

Bio-inspired magnetically responsive silicone cilia: fabrication strategy and interaction with biological mucus

Bioengineering (Basel); 11 (3), 2024
Cilia are biological structures essential to drive the mobility of secretions and maintain the proper function of the respiratory airways. However, this motile self-cleaning process is significantly compromised in the presence of silicone tracheal prosthesis, leading to biofilm growth and impeding effect...

Endothelial microparticles: markers of inflammatory response after sutureless Valve Implantation

Braz J Cardiovasc Surg; 39 (1), 2024
INTRODUCTION: Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) is related to increased circulating endothelial microparticles (EMP). OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to compare the plasma concentration of EMP between patients undergoing aortic valve replacement with conventional bioprosthesis implantat...

Reemplazo percutáneo de válvulas cardíacas derechas con técnica “válvula en válvula” en cardiopatías congénitas: experiencia inicial en Argentina

Rev. argent. cardiol; 91 (6), 2023
INTRODUCCIÓN: El reemplazo quirúrgico con colocación de bioprótesis es una estrategia utilizada frecuentemente para tratar valvulopatías en cardiopatías congénitas. OBJETIVO: Presentar la experiencia inicial en Argentina con fractura/remodelación del anillo valvular en bioprótesis y posterior re...

Valve-in-Valve aórtico em falência de bioprótese braile e elevado risco de oclusão coronária- explorando as soluções da técnica basilica
Aortic valve-in-valve in Braille bioprosthesis failure and high risk of coronary occlusion - exploring the solutions of the basilica technique

J. Transcatheter Interv; 31 (supl.1), 2023
APRESENTAÇÃO CLÍNICA Feminino, 78 anos História médica pregressa: Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica Diabetes Mellitus Obesidade Grau I Internação hospitalar (Junho/23) Dispneia classe III + Sincope + Insuf. Renal aguda -> Disfunção de prótese biológica aórtica por rotura de folheto. 2004 Troca...

Valve-in-Valve tricúspide por acesso vascular alternativo
Tricuspid Valve-in-Valve by alternative vascular access

RESUMO: O valve-in-valve (VIV) tricúspide é uma opção terapêutica em pacientes com disfunção de bioprótese tricúspide. Realizado VIV transjugular com sucesso em paciente jovem, submetida a 2 cirurgias prévias e disfunção da bioprótese do tipo insuficiência. A escolha pelo método transcaté...

Compression of the left main coronary artery by a surgical implanted aortic valve prosthesis – a case report

Arq. bras. cardiol; 119 (4 supl.1), 2022
INTRODUCTION: Cardiovascular disease has been the leading cause of mortality worldwide since the 1960s, including coronary syndrome and valve disease.Surgical implantation of an aortic valve prosthesis is usually a low-risk procedure,but it can be challenging in selected cases.We describe here a compress...

Perfil demográfico e categorização de risco de pacientes submetidos rotineiramente à TAVI em hospital terciário do sistema único de saúde
Demographic profile and risk categorization of patients routinely undergoing TAVI in a tertiary hospital of the unified health system

INTRODUÇÃO: Realizada pela primeira vez há 20 anos, o implante por cateter de bioprótese aórtica (TAVI) revolucionou o tratamento da estenose aórtica (EAo). Inicialmente destinado ao tratamento de pacientes (pts) de alto risco cirúrgico ou inoperáveis, evidências atuais contemplam o TAVI como te...