Resultados: 3

Associação nunca descrita de variantes P. S70R E P. V142I NO GENE TTR: relato de caso
Never described association of P.S70R AND P.V142I variants IN THE TTR GENE: case report

INTRODUÇÃO: presença de mais de uma variante patogênica em indivíduos afetados com amiloidose por transtirretina hereditária é ocorrência extremamente rara. Os casos descritos de heterozigose composta envolvem as variantes mais comuns no gene TTR, c.148G>A (p. V50M) e c.424G>A (p.V142I). Descreve...

In silico analysis of upstream variants in Brazilian patients with familial hypercholesterolemia

Gene; 849 (146908), 2023
ABSTRACT: Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) is a prevalent autosomal genetic disease associated with increased risk of early cardiovascular events and death due to chronic exposure to very high levels of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-c). Pathogenic variants in the coding regions of LDLR, APOB...

An autopsy study of the spectrum of severe COVID-19 in children: From SARS to different phenotypes of MIS-C

EClinicalMedicine; 35 (), 2021
Background: COVID-19 in children is usually mild or asymptomatic, but severe and fatal paediatric cases have been described. The pathology of COVID-19 in children is not known; the proposed pathogenesis for severe cases includes immune-mediated mechanisms or the direct effect of SARS-CoV-2 on tissues. We...