Resultados: 3

Desfechos a longo prazo de pacientes chagásicos com síncope e distúrbio da condução intraventricular submetidos a estudo eletrofisiológico
Long-term outcomes of chagasic patients with syncope and intraventricular conduction disorder undergoing electrophysiological study

Int. j. cardiovasc. sci. (Impr.); 37 (suppl.9), 2024
INTRODUÇÃO: A abordagem de síncope em pacientes com doença de Chagas (DC) e distúrbios da condução intraventricular (DCI) representa um desafio. Embora o estudo eletrofisiológico (EEF) seja uma ferramenta diagnóstica nessa situação, a evidência para sua utilização necessita elucidações. E...

Electrophysiological study in chagasics with syncope and conduction disorder

BACKGROUND: Investigation of syncope involves the use of electrophysiological study, particularly in patients with cardiac conduction disorder. There is conflicting evidence about the role of electrophysiological study in patients with Chagas disease. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to evaluat...

Relationship between ventricular repolarization parameters and the inducibility of ventricular arrhythmias during electrophysiological study in patients with coronary artery disease

OBJECTIVE: Risk stratification of sudden cardiac death in patients with coronary artery disease is of great importance. We evaluated the association between ventricular repolarization and induction of malignant ventricular arrhythmias on electrophysiological study of patients with coronary artery disease...