Abstract Lung transplantation is the last resort for end-stage lung disease treatment. Due to increased survival, lung recipients present an increased likelihood to be submitted to anesthesia and surgery. This case report describes a 23-year-old female patient with history of lung transplantation for cys...
Abstract Introduction: The aim of this study was to evaluate the delayed chest closure (DCC) results in patients who underwent lung transplantation. Methods: Sixty patients were evaluated retrospectively. Only bilateral lung transplantations and DCC for oversized lung allograft (OLA) were included in t...
OBJECTIVE: To report initial experience from the use of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) in patients who received lung transplantation. METHODS: Retrospective study of a single tertiary center in the Brazilian state of São Paulo, a national reference in lung transplantation, based on the pros...
El trasplante pulmonar representa una opción terapéutica en pacientes con fibrosis pulmonar avanzada que presentan un curso progresivo a pesar de tratamiento médico, mejorando su sobrevida y calidad de vida. Es de vital importancia que el neumólogo conozca cuando referir a un paciente y estar familia...
Resumen Introducción. La anatomía humana y porcina son comparables. En consecuencia, el biomodelo porcino tiene el potencial de ser implementado para entrenar al profesional quirúrgico en áreas como el trasplante de órganos sólidos. Objetivo. Describir los procedimientos y hallazgos obtenidos med...
ABSTRACT Objective: To assess the feasibility and impact of ex vivo lung perfusion with hyperoncotic solution (Steen Solution™) in the utilization of these organs in Brazil. Methods: In this prospective study, we subjected five lungs considered to be high risk for transplantation to 4 hours of ex...
Atelectasis and inadequate oxygenation in lung donors is a common problem during the retrieval of these organs. Nevertheless, the use of high positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) is not habitual during procedures of lung retrieval. Twenty-one Sprague-Dawley male consanguineous rats were used in the st...
ABSTRACT Liquid perfluorocarbon (PFC) instillation has been studied experimentally as an adjuvant therapy in the preservation of lung grafts during cold ischemia. The objective of this study was to evaluate whether vaporized PFC is also protective of lung grafts at different cold ischemia times. We perfo...
ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate whether methylene blue (MB) could minimize the effects of ischemia-reperfusion injury in the nonischemic lung on a lung transplantation rodent model. Methods: Forty female Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into 20 donors and 20 recipients. The 20 recipient rats were divid...