Introduction: Zooplankton is a major link between primary producers and the following trophic levels, and in coral reefs they represent an energy source for corals and involve complex assemblies integrating a wide variety of species form different functional groups. Objective: To define interannual chang...
Introduction: Zooplankton is a major link in coral reef food webs and a source of nutrients for corals. Demersal zooplankton in coral reefs makes diel migrations at night to avoid predation by fish and corals, increasing abundance and biomass at night. Objectives: To study the composition and variation o...
Abstract This study presents a review of scientiometric data about freshwater microcrustaceans (Copepoda, Ostracoda, Branchiopoda: Cladocera, Anostraca, Notostraca and Conchostraca) in Brazil from 1990-2014. This review is based on 179 papers published across four databases, using the following keywords ...
ResumenLas plantas carnívoras del género Utricularia, capturan un amplio ámbito de organismos acuáticos. La mayoría se desarrollan en ambientes con carencias de nutrientes y tienen la capacidad de cambiar las condiciones de su microambiente. El objetivo de la presente investigación fue estudiar la ...
The ostracode fauna of the neartic-neotropical transitional zone has remained poorly known until this study. Ten ostracode species inhabit ten highland lakes (five maar lakes (phreatic/phreato-magmatic explosion origin), one volcanic-tectonic lake, three natural dams and one man-made dam) in East-central...
Resumen Se indagó, de septiembre del 2005 a noviembre del 2007, las propiedades oceanográficas físicas, químicas y biológicas (zooplancton) más relevantes del Golfo Dulce, Pacífico Sur de Costa Rica, y las tipologías meteorológicas de la zona, con el objetivo de analizarlas y hacerlas disponible...
The transfer of ballast by the international shipping industry has negatively impacted the environment. To design such a protocol for the area, the ballast water tanks of seven bulk cargo vessels entering a Jamaican port were sampled between January 28, 2010 and August 17, 2010. Vessels originated from f...
We studied the variation in abundance and biomass of plankton in the pelagic environment of Gorgona during October 2010 (rainy season) and March 2011 (dry season), and evaluated their correlation with hydrographic features of temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen and transparency. Surface waters during...
Hyperiid amphipods are one of the most frequently encountered pelagic crustaceans and among the most diverse marine zooplankters. To determine the species composition of the hyperiid amphipods dwelling in the waters around Isla del Coco National Park, Pacific Costa Rica, we analyzad 12 zooplankton sample...
Appendicularians and chaetognaths are important members of the zooplancton but little studied in Costa Rica and not at all at Isla del Coco Nacional Park, eastern tropical Pacific. Epipelagic (0-50m) zooplankton samples from the oceanic area off Isla del Coco, were collected in November 2001, and over pa...