Results: 114

Características sociodemográficas de indígenas nos censos brasileiros de 2000 e 2010: uma abordagem comparativa

Cad. saúde pública (Online); 33 (supl.1), 2017
Resumo: Os perfis sociodemográficos de segmentos da população brasileira têm sido objeto de múltiplas comparações intercensitárias. Neste trabalho, foram contrastadas as distribuições etária, de número de moradores nos domicílios, ensino formal e renda para os indígenas dos censos demográf...

Volatilidade classificatória e a (in)consistência da desigualdade racial

Cad. saúde pública (Online); 33 (supl.1), 2017
O monitoramento de desigualdades raciais, seja num plano socioeconômico ou em termos de desfechos de saúde, pressupõe que a declaração da raça apresente estabilidade. Caso contrário, a dinâmica dessas desigualdades poderia resultar da reclassificação racial, e não de processos vinculados a ini...

Intimate partner violence among speaking immigrant adult Portuguese women in Canada

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 50 (6), 2016
Abstract OBJECTIVE This study was conducted to understand the experiences of intimate partner violence among women from Portuguese-speaking countries living in the Greater Toronto Area. METHOD A social phenomenological study was conducted with ten Portuguese-speaking women who had experienced intimate ...

Standardization of the face-hand test in a Brazilian multicultural population: prevalence of sensory extinction and implications for neurological diagnosis

Clinics; 71 (12), 2016
OBJECTIVE: The face-hand test is a simple, practical, and rapid test to detect neurological syndromes. However, it has not previously been assessed in a Brazilian sample; therefore, the objective of the present study was to standardize the face-hand test for use in the multi-cultural population of Brazil...

Lack of association between genetic polymorphism of FTO, AKT1 and AKTIP in childhood overweight and obesity

J. pediatr. (Rio J.); 92 (5), 2016
Abstract Objective: Obesity is a chronic disease caused by both environmental and genetic factors. Epidemiological studies have documented that increased energy intake and sedentary lifestyle, as well as a genetic contribution, are forces behind the obesity epidemic. Knowledge about the interaction betw...

Itajaí, Santa Catarina - Azorean ancestry and spinocerebellar ataxia type 3

Arq. neuropsiquiatr; 74 (10), 2016
ABSTRACT The authors present a historical review of spinocerebellar ataxia type 3/Machado-Joseph disease (SCA3/MJD), the most common form of spinocerebellar ataxia in Brazil, and consider the high frequency of cases in families from Itajaí, a city on the coast of the state of Santa Catarina with a large...

Campesinato, trabalho e estranhamento: a determinação social da saúde em assentamentos
Peasantry, work and estrangement: social determination of health in settlements

Conhecer como se organiza o processo de trabalho em qualquer atividade produtiva é essencial para entender os impactos na saúde dos trabalhadores. Este conhecimento está associado à forma de organização da sociedade, que pode acarretar no desenvolvimento do ser, como também contribuir para seu est...

Spatial-temporal trends and risk of suicide in Central Brazil: an ecological study contrasting indigenous and non-indigenous populations

Objective: To examine spatial-temporal distribution and risk of suicide, as well as trends in suicide mortality rates, in the indigenous and non-indigenous population of the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Methods: Data were obtained from the Information Department of the Brazilian Unified Health S...

Raça e violência obstétrica no Brasil
Race and obstetric violence in Brazil

Objetivou-se comparar as características sociodemográficas de mulheres segundo cor/, com foco nas mulheres negras e analisar os tipos mais comuns de agressões a elas infringidas na assistência ao parto pelo Sistema Único de Saúde. Trata-se de um estudo transversal de base populacional, com dados pr...

Traditional knowledge and uses of the Caryocar brasiliense Cambess. (Pequi) by “quilombolas” of Minas Gerais, Brazil: subsidies for sustainable management

Braz. j. biol; 76 (2), 2016
Abstract Local knowledge of biodiversity has been applied in support of research focused on utilizing and management of natural resources and promotion of conservation. Among these resources, Pequi (Caryocar brasiliense Cambess.) is important as a source of income and food for communities living in the C...