Results: 983

Psychometric Evidence for the Lipp' Adult Stress Symptoms Inventory

Abstract Although stress assessment is important in different health areas, there are few instruments with adequate psychometric evidence to assess it. The study aimed to present new validity evidence of Lipp's Inventory of Stress Symptoms for Adults (LSSI), describe and discuss clinical characteristics ...

Global burden of mental illness in agents fighting endemics

Abstract: Mental disorders are the main cause of the young and economically active population worldwide and in Brazil to live with disabilities, being an important public health problem nowadays. The objective was to estimate the burden of mental disorders among professionals working to combat endemic di...

Terapia Ocupacional en educación inclusiva. Una reflexión desde las prácticas en la ciudad de Cali

Rev. Ocup. Hum. (En línea); 22 (Suplemento), 2022
El artículo presenta un panorama de los trabajos de inclusión realizados en Cali y busca agradecer a muchas terapeutas ocupacionales por la trocha que abrieron en este sector en la ciudad. Inicia con un recorrido histórico por las prácticas de terapeutas ocupacionales en educación en Cali, desde la ...

El aislamiento social en adultos mayores con enfermedades críticas se asoció con mayor discapacidad y mortalidad a un año de seguimiento
Social isolation in older adults with critical illness was associated with increased disability and mortality within the year

Association of aerobic fitness and body composition in people with down syndrome

ABSTRACT People with Down Syndrome (DS) present metabolic differences when compared to the general population, which ends up at a higher prevalence of overweight and lower rates of aerobic fitness. The aim of this study was analysing the association of aerobic fitness and body composition in individuals ...

The effects of kinesiology treatment on morphological characteristics of top table tennis players with disabilities

Int. j. morphol; 40 (4), 2022
SUMMARY: Sports results of table tennis players with disabilities depend on the functionality level, but also on morphological characteristics. There is an increased risk of obesity in these athletes with disability due to a reduced level of locomotor functionality. The hitherto practice showed that lead...

Actitudes hacia la discapacidad en Universitarios de Popayán-Colombia

Rev. cienc. cuidad; 19 (3), 2022
Objetivo: Identificar las actitudes hacia la discapacidad en universitarios de Popayán, Co-lombia. Material y método: Estudio descriptivo correlacional de cohorte transversal, con un muestreo por conveniencia aplicado a 276 estudiantes. Se utilizó un instrumento validado por Novo et al. (1), con un al...

Magnitude dos episódios reacionais na hanseníase em serviço ambulatorial especializado

Hansen. int; 47 (), 2022
O objetivo do estudo é caracterizar os episódios reacionais segundo os dados sociodemográficos, clínicos e epidemiológicos de pacientes com hanseníase em um município hiperendêmico do estado do Piauí, Brasil, no período de 2013 a 2017. Para tanto, um estudo descritivo, transve...

Associação longitudinal entre capital social e incapacidade funcional em uma coorte de idosos residentes em comunidade

O objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar a associação entre capital social e a incapacidade funcional, numa perspectiva longitudinal, utilizando dados da coorte de idosos de Bambuí, Minas Gerais, Brasil. A linha de base do estudo foi composta por todos os idosos sobreviventes e livres de incapacid...

Barriers to the access of people with disabilities to health services: a scoping review

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To analyze the scientific evidence regarding barriers to the access of people with disabilities to health services. METHODS A scoping review was carried out from the main question: "What are the main barriers that people with disabilities face in accessing health services?" The art...