Coelho Júnior, Hélio José;
Asano, Ricardo Yukio;
Gonçalvez, Ivan de Oliveira;
Brietzke, Cayque;
Pires, Flávio Oliveira;
Aguiar, Samuel da Silva;
Feriani, Daniele Jardim;
Caperuto, Erico Chagas;
Uchida, Marco Carlos;
Rodrigues, Bruno.
Abstract Objective: The present study aimed to investigate the effects of a 6-month multicomponent exercise program on blood pressure, heart rate, and double product of uncontrolled and controlled normotensive and hypertensive older patients. Methods: The study included 183 subjects, 97 normotensives...
ABSTRACT Objective: to assess the effectiveness of post-partum interventions to prevent urinary incontinence: a systematic review. Method: systematic review of randomized controlled studies conducted in the MEDLINE, Cochrane, Scopus and the Virtual Library on Health (Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde, BVS) ...
ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate a 24-month supervised, community-based maintenance exercise program after 3 months of pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) in comparison with a 27-month physical activity counseling program, in terms of the effects on maximal muscle strength, muscle power output, and exercise ca...
Terapia por Ejercicio/métodos,
Tolerancia al Ejercicio/fisiología,
Fuerza Muscular/fisiología,
Músculo Esquelético/fisiopatología,
Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica/fisiopatología,
Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica/rehabilitación,
Calidad de Vida,
Estudios Retrospectivos,
Encuestas y Cuestionarios,
Factores de Tiempo,
Resultado del Tratamiento,
Prueba de Paso
Summary Objective: Our objective is to explore the effectiveness and feasibility of establishing a swallowing management clinic to implement out-of-hospital management for Parkinson disease (PD) patients with dysphagia. Method: Two-hundred seventeen (217) voluntary PD patients with dysphagia in a PD ou...
Trastornos de Deglución/etiología,
Trastornos de Deglución/rehabilitación,
Terapia por Ejercicio/métodos,
Estudios de Factibilidad,
Persona de Mediana Edad,
Servicio Ambulatorio en Hospital/organización & administración,
Enfermedad de Parkinson/complicaciones,
Enfermedad de Parkinson/rehabilitación,
Educación del Paciente como Asunto,
Calidad de Vida,
Summary Introduction: Pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT) involves the contraction of the puborectal, anal sphincter and external urethral muscles, inhibiting the detrusor contraction, what justify its use in the treatment of overactive bladder (OAB) symptoms. Objective: To verify the effects of isolat...
Terapia por Estimulación Eléctrica,
Terapia por Ejercicio/métodos,
Persona de Mediana Edad,
Diafragma Pélvico/inervación,
Diafragma Pélvico/fisiopatología,
Modalidades de Fisioterapia,
Estudios Prospectivos,
Calidad de Vida,
Encuestas y Cuestionarios,
Resultado del Tratamiento,
Vejiga Urinaria Hiperactiva/fisiopatología,
Vejiga Urinaria Hiperactiva
ANTECEDENTES: Aunque la presencia de disfunciones del piso pélvico es más prevalente en mujeres adultas de avanzada edad, durante el embarazo o post parto se puede presentar incontinencia urinaria (IU), siendo la de esfuerzo (IUE) la más común en este período. OBJETIVO: Evaluar el efecto del entren...
Summary Introduction: Breast cancer is the leading type of cancer causing death in women worldwide. The incidence of the disease is expected to grow worldwide due to the aging of the population and risk factors related to lifestyle behaviors. Considering the lifestyle of women with breast cancer before ...
Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of dual task multimodal physical training (MPT) on the cognitive functions and muscle strength in older adults with AD. Participants were 19 subjects with AD in the mild and moderate stages, divided into training group (TG) and control group (CG)...
ABSTRACT Objective To investigate whether maintenance of exercise training benefits is associated with adequate milk and dairy products intake in hypertensive elderly subjects after detraining. Methods Twenty-eight elderly hypertensive patients with optimal clinical treatment underwent 16 weeks of mu...
Background: Exercise training may reduce blood pressure. Aim: To determine the effects of a high intensity interval training (HIIT) exercise protocol on systolic and diastolic blood pressure in hypertensive subjects. Material and Methods: Eleven men and 27 women aged 46.4 ± 9.8 years were divided in t...
Presión Sanguínea/fisiología,
Ejercicio Físico/fisiología,
Terapia por Ejercicio/métodos,
Entrenamiento de Intervalos de Alta Intensidad/métodos,
Determinación de la Presión Sanguínea,
Estudios de Casos y Controles,
Consumo de Oxígeno/fisiología,
Valores de Referencia,
Reproducibilidad de los Resultados,
Estadísticas no Paramétricas,
Factores de Tiempo,
Resultado del Tratamiento