Results: 1653

Role of adiponectin in patients with inflammatory bowel disease unclassified

ABSTRACT Background: Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a lifestyle idiopathic, chronic, and inflammatory intestinal disorders that required long-term medications and care. Aim of the study: Assess the level of adiponectin in IBDU and its relation with different parameters like lipid profile and Body ...

Overweight and associated factors in young adult student girls

Rev. bras. enferm; 71 (6), 2018
ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze overweight and associated factors in young adult student girls children in a capital city of Northeast Brazil. Method: An analytical, quantitative study was conducted with 546 young adults from 26 schools in a capital city of the Brazilian Northeast. After obtaining the d...

Tracking of nutritional status between childhood and adolescence in schoolchildren

Rev. bras. med. esporte; 24 (6), 2018
INTRODUCTION: In view of the growing prevalence of childhood excess weight and obesity In Brazil In recent decades, it is necessary to observe how this phenomenon occurs in the period of transition to adolescence. OBJECTIVE: To verify the tracking of excess weight between childhood and adolescence in sch...

Indicadores antropométricos para la caracterización de la adiposidad corporal en gestantes sanas al inicio del embarazo

CorSalud; 10 (4), 2018
RESUMEN Introducción: Localizaciones distintas de tejido adiposo determinan riesgos para la salud cardiovascular y metabólica, sin que se conozca lo suficiente cómo se manifiesta esta problemática en gestantes sanas al inicio de la gestación. Objetivos: Identificar posibles agrupaciones de gestant...

Adiponectin levels and sleep deprivation in patients with endocrine metabolic disorders

SUMMARY BACKGROUND: Sleep abnormalities are frequent in patients with endocrine metabolic disorders (EMD) such as arterial hypertension, diabetes and obesity. Adiponectin is a peptide largely secreted by adipocytes and has various properties e.g. anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiatherogenic, pro-angi...

Características de mulheres obesas assistidas pelo Núcleo de Apoio à Saúde da Família

Objetivo: descrever a eficácia do grupo de reeducação alimentar e controle de peso do Núcleo de Apoio à Saúde da Família (NASF) no município de Santa Luzia-PB. Método: trata-se de um ensaio comunitário, realizado no período de abril a setembro de 2015. As participantes foram avaliadas por meio...

Perfil clínico e nutricional de pacientes hospitalizados acometidos por acidente vascular cerebral

Objetivo: objetivo desse trabalho foi traçar o perfil clínico e nutricional de pacientes acometidos por acidente vascular cerebral (AVC). Metodologia: trata-se de estudo retrospectivo realizado em prontuários de pacientes internados em Hospitais de Guarapuava, Paraná no período de maio a setembro de...

Evaluation of choroidal perfusion changes in obese patients: ocular effects of insulin resistance

Arq. bras. oftalmol; 81 (6), 2018
ABSTRACT Purpose: We aimed to evaluate choroidal per­fusion changes in obese patients using optical coherence tomography and dynamic contour tonometry, to determine whether these changes are associated with body mass index, and to assess the ocular effects of insulin resistance. Methods: We retrospect...

Effects of conventional and virtual reality cardiovascular rehabilitation in body composition and functional capacity of patients with heart diseases: randomized clinical trial

Background: Virtual reality is an alternative therapeutic resource to be inserted into cardiovascular rehabilitation, stimulating the practice of physical activity through man-machine interaction. Objective: To compare the effects of conventional and virtual reality cardiac rehabilitation on body composi...

Is it Possible to Easily Identify Metabolically Healthy Obese Women?

Arq. bras. cardiol; 111 (5), 2018
Abstract Background: Obesity is recognized as a major risk factor for the development of several metabolic complications. However, some obese individuals have a favorable metabolic profile. Objective: The aim of this study was to identify an easy parameter for recognizing metabolically healthy obese (MHO...