Results: 146

Palliative care team visits: Qualitative study through participant observation

Colomb. med; 47 (1), 2016
Objectives: To describe the clinical encounters that occur when a palliative care team provides patient care and the features that influence these encounters and indicate whether they are favorable or unfavorable depending on the expectations and feelings of the various participants. Methods: A qualitati...

Cuidados paliativos en personas con demencia severa: reflexiones y desafíos

Rev. méd. Chile; 144 (1), 2016
Dementia is an important public health problem due to the complex challenges it poses during the progression of the disease and especially during its end-of-life stage. The aim of this article is to consider the issues that arise from the use of commonly administered therapies in patients with severe dem...

La quimioterapia paliativa no mejoraría la calidad de vida de pacientes con cáncer en fase terminal
Palliative chemotherapy in patients with end-stage cancer would not improve quality of life

Conhecimentos de estudantes de enfermagem sobre distanásia

Rev Rene (Online); 16 (6), 2015
Objetivo avaliar os conhecimentos de estudantes de enfermagem sobre a distanásia como processo de intervenção humana em pacientes terminais. Métodos estudo qualitativo, realizado com 28 estudantes de enfermagem de uma Instituição de Ensino Superior pública. O tratamento dos dados das entrevista...

Da frustração ao enfrentamento do cuidado para a morte por técnicos de enfermagem

Rev. bras. enferm; 68 (6), 2015
RESUMO Objetivo: compreender a experiência de técnicos de enfermagem com o cuidado para a morte de pacientes terminais em UTI e configurar um modelo teórico. Método: estudo qualitativo, com saturação teórica mediante a análise da 10ª entrevista não diretiva, tendo como referenciais a Teoria Fun...

End-of-life decisions in perinatal care: A view from health-care providers in Mexico

Salud pública Méx; 57 (6), 2015
Objective. To examine the opinions of a perinatal health team regarding decisions related to late termination of pregnancy and severely ill newborns. Materials and Methods. An anonymous questionnaire was administered to physicians, social workers, and nurses in perinatal care. Differences were evaluated ...

Death in hospital and at home: population and health policy influences in Londrina, State of Paraná, Brazil (1996-2010)

An aging population and epidemiological transition involves prolonged terminal illnesses and an increased demand for end-stage support in health services, mainly in hospitals. Changes in health care and government health policies may influence the death locations, making it possible to remain at home or ...

Resilience and death: the nursing professional in the care of children and adolescents with life-limiting illnesses

The purpose of this article is to analyze the resilience of the nursing staff in providing care for children and adolescents with chronic diseases, including coping with their deaths. The participants of this qualitative research were nursing professionals working in the pediatric ward of a hospital in t...

Percepção de enfermeira(o)s frente ao paciente oncológico em fase terminal

Enfermeira(o) que atua junto a paciente oncológico em fase terminal precisa saber vivenciar a proximidade da morte, etapa do processo de desenvolvimento do ser, de modo que possa promover cuidados amplos e singulares para amenizar e transformar o processo vital, controlando o sofrimento. O estudo teve c...

Rol de enfermería en la limitación del esfuerzo terapéutico en el paciente críttico
Limitation of therapeutic effort in critically ill patients: the role nursing

Cienc. enferm; 19 (3), 2013
El avance tecnológico de los últimos años ha permitido la creación de equipos que facilitan prolongar la vida de los seres humanos. Sin embargo, hoy los profesionales comprenden que hay circunstancias en las que mantener con vida a un paciente no necesariamente significa un beneficio para él y su fa...