Results: 372

Revisión sistemática: costo-efectividad, acceso y adherencia a programas de ejercicio supervisado en pacientes con claudicación intermitente

Kinesiologia; 39 (1), 2020
OBJETIVO: Determinar las razones de la escasa derivación, acceso, y adherencia a programas de ejercicio supervisado (PES) en pacientes con claudicación intermitente (CI) y la costo-efectividad de estos programas a nivel Internacional. MÉTODOS: Se utilizaron las fuentes de datos de PubMed y ScienceDire...

Physical and functional aspects of persons with multiple sclerosis practicing Tai-Geiko: randomized trial

Clinics; 75 (), 2020
OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to verify the influence of Tai-Geiko on the physical and functional aspects of people with multiple sclerosis (MS). METHODS: This was a parallel-group, randomized trial with two arms. People with MS were allocated to an experimental group (EG) (n=10) and control group (CG) (...

Quando exercícios de fortalecimento da língua refletem na região cervical

CoDAS; 32 (4), 2020
RESUMO Objetivo: Comparar o impacto do exercício isocinético "sucção da língua contra o palato" na região cervical em participantes Classe I e Classe II/2.ª Divisão, considerando a média e a simetria do Root Means Square (RMS) dos músculos supra-hióideos e suboccipitais, e relatos sensoriais ...

Tai Chi versus routine exercise in patients with early- or mild-stage Parkinson's disease: a retrospective cohort analysis

Braz. j. med. biol. res; 53 (2), 2020
Parkinson's disease cannot be cured but symptoms can be improved by making use of physical therapy. The objective of the study was to compare the effect of routine exercises and Tai Chi on physical and clinical performance in elderly people suffering from Parkinson's disease. Data from interviews, physic...

Respostas musculoesqueléticas e cardiorrespiratórias do Deep Water Running em obesos: revisão de literatura
Deep Water Running Musculoskeletic and Cardiorrespiratory Responses in Obese: Review

Rev. Salusvita (Online); 39 (1), 2020
O Deep Water Running (DWR) é um método bastante difundido para o condicionamento cardiovascular e reabilitação em atletas. Contudo, nos últimos anos, foram realizadas investigações científicas sobre o DWR em populações especiais. Porém, ainda existem poucas evidências sobre as respostas muscu...

Effects of a 12-week hip abduction exercise program on the electromyographic activity of hip and knee muscles of women with patellofemoral pain: A pilot study

Motriz (Online); 26 (1), 2020
Aims: The purpose of our study was to compare the hip and knee muscle activity before and after a hip abduction exercise program in women with patellofemoral pain (PFP). Methods: Eleven women with PFP were included in our pre/post design study. Participants were assessed before and after 12-week hip abd...

Síndrome de Dolor Patelofemoral: revisión actualizada del tratamiento conservador

Rev. ANACEM (Impresa); 14 (1), 2020
Introducción: El síndrome de dolor patelofemoral, se define como aquel dolor retro o peripatelar agravado por al menos 1 actividad que cargue la articulación en flexión. Su diagnóstico, se basa en una correcta anamnesis, examen físico y pruebas de evocación de dolor e inestabilidad. El tratamiento...

Exercises with action observation contribute to upper limb recovery in chronic stroke patients: a controlled clinical trial

Motriz (Online); 26 (1), 2020
Abstract Aims: To investigate the effects of an exercise program with action observation versus conventional physical therapy on upper limb functionality in chronic stroke subjects. Methods: In this controlled clinical trial, thirty-five stroke patients were divided into two groups, experimental group,...

Fisiología del ejercicio en la práctica de la vocología colombiana: una necesidad

En los últimos años, la vocología ha prestado un interés particular a la investigación y aplicación clínica de principios –basados en la ciencia– que permitan maximizar el aprendizaje y el control motor asociados al funcionamiento de la voz. El proceso de producción vocal ocurre gracias a la ...

Effects of high- and moderate-intensity exercise on central hemodynamic and oxygen uptake recovery kinetics in CHF-COPD overlap

Braz. j. med. biol. res; 53 (3), 2020
The oxygen uptake (V˙O2) kinetics during onset of and recovery from exercise have been shown to provide valuable parameters regarding functional capacity of both chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and chronic heart failure (CHF) patients. To investigate the influence of comorbidity of COPD...