Results: 1470

Individual and Group Education in Diabetes and Outcomes

Aquichan; 14 (2), 2014
Aim: The purpose of the present study in this context was to review the effect two different types of diabetes education being implemented in an actual setting had on the outcome of care (levels of knowledge, self-care agency, A1c, BMI). Methods: Research was carried out as a correlational and descriptiv...

La asociación psiquiátrica de América Latina

Rev. colomb. psiquiatr; 43 (2), 2014
La Asociación Psiquiátrica de América Latina (APAL) nació por iniciativa de distinguidos psiquiatras latinoamericanos en 1950 y se hizo realidad en 1960, con la intención de crear una organización que permitiera el desarrollo de una corriente de pensamiento para exponer las ideas de la psiquiatría...

Ingrid Elsen: a professional career and her dedication to the study of family care

Texto & contexto enferm; 23 (1), 2014
This is a socio-historical study aimed to historicize the career of Ingrid Elsen, a nurse, teacher and Brazilian researcher. Data were collected through semi-structured interview, on the third and tenth of March 2013, with the nurse Ingrid, applying the method of oral history and documentary research. Th...

The association between educational level and dementia in rural Tanzania

Dement. neuropsychol; 8 (2), 2014
The majority of people with dementia worldwide live in developing countries. Studies from the developed world have reported an association between lower educational attainment and dementia, but there are few data from the developing world where literacy and educational levels are frequently much lower. I...

Dementia in developing countries: does education play the same role in India as in the West?

Dement. neuropsychol; 8 (2), 2014
Evidence suggests that education protects from dementia by enhancing cognitive reserve. However, this may be influenced by several socio-demographic factors. Rising numbers of dementia in India, high levels of illiteracy and heterogeneity in socio-demographic factors provide an opportunity to explore thi...

Verbal and visuospatial executive functions in healthy elderly: the impact of education and frequency of reading and writing

Dement. neuropsychol; 8 (2), 2014
OBJECTIVE: To assess the predictive role of education and frequency of reading and writing habits (FRWH) on the cognitive flexibility, inhibition and planning abilities of healthy elderly individuals. METHODS: Fifty-seven healthy adults aged between 60 and 75 years with 2 to 23 years of formal education ...

Factors associated with quality of life in elderly undertaking literacy programs

Dement. neuropsychol; 8 (2), 2014
Increased life expectancy has led to a significant number of elderly enrolling on Youth and Adult Education programs (YAE). These individuals leave inactivity and negative aspects of aging in search of opportunities for social inclusion. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the influence of sociodemographic factors an...

Efeito do método agonista-antagonista comparado ao tradicional no volume e ativação muscular

Os métodos de treinamento de força são aplicados através da manipulação das variáveis metodológicas, que podem modificar as características do treinamento. Dessa forma, o objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar o efeito do método de séries pareadas de agonista-antagonista (PAA) versus o mé...

La importancia de la educación continua

Rev. colomb. psiquiatr; 43 (1), 2014
La calidad en la atención en salud de la población es un elemento fundamental en los sistemas de salud. En Colombia, desafortunadamente, puede ser uno de los más descuidados, quizá porque la prioridad ha sido la ampliación de la cobertura desde la implementación de la Ley 100 de salud. Este descuid...