Results: 228

Protector bucal por laminado a presión en paciente deportista

RESUMEN: El traumatismo dentoalveolar incluye un conjunto de lesiones que afectan a los dientes y/o estructuras de soporte a consecuencia de un impacto violento directo o indirecto. Debido a que por lo general comprometen el sector anterior generan cambios físicos, fonéticos, psicológicos y dietarios,...

Rotura aguda del tendón tibial anterior

Acta ortop. mex; 31 (5), 2017
Resumen: Las roturas del tendón tibial anterior son lesiones infrecuentes, con diversas etiologías, que pueden causar déficits significativos en la funcionalidad del tobillo, lesiones a veces diagnosticadas tardíamente, siendo muchas veces la alteración de la marcha el síntoma que hace acudir al pa...

Sport injuries treated at a physiotherapy center specialized in sports

Fisioter. Mov. (Online); 30 (3), 2017
Abstract Introduction: The risk of injuries related to physical activity and sports may increase if there is predisposition, inappropriate training and/or coach guidance, and absence of sports medicine follow-up. Objective: To assess the frequency of injuries in athletes treated at a physiotherapy ce...

Effect of FIFA 11+ in addition to conventional handball training on balance and isokinetic strength

Abstract Considering that handball is a sport that requires physical contact, jumps, and fast movements, it is relevant to create prevention strategies to avoid injuries. It is known that better proprioceptive conditions and muscular balance are associated with reductions in sport injuries. The aim of th...

Hamstring injuries: update article

Rev. bras. ortop; 52 (4), 2017
ABSTRACT Hamstring (HS) muscle injuries are the most common injury in sports. They are correlated to long rehabilitations and have a great tendency to recur. The HS consist of the long head of the biceps femoris, semitendinosus, and semimembranosus. The patient's clinical presentation depends on the char...

Incidencia de lesiones en la práctica deportiva del motocross

Antecedentes: Estudiar la incidencia de lesiones que involucran a atletas profesionales de Motocross de diferentes categorías en niveles de carreras estatales, nacionales e internacionales y evaluar las le-siones más comunes dentro de los atletas de Motocross y las áreas más frecuentemente afectadas ...

Luxación de la articulación interfalángica proximal del hallux con interposición de un hueso sesamoideo: una revisión bibliográfica

Acta ortop. mex; 31 (1), 2017
Resumen: La luxación irreductible de la articulación interfalángica del hallux es una patología poco frecuente y hay pocos casos descritos. Se presenta como una luxación dorsal con interposición del sesamoideo; éste puede ser radiológicamente indetectable. Reportamos el caso de un paciente de 29 ...

Incidence of musculoskeletal injuries in professional soccer players from Aracaju/SE-Brazil

Motriz (Online); 23 (3), 2017
AIMS: To verify the incidence of injuries in professional soccer athletes in Aracaju-SE and to identify associated factors. METHODS: This was an observational, prospective cohort study involving 39 healthy athletes, followed for seven months and evaluated on four occasions (start on preseason and two ev...

Influence of practice time on surfing injuries

Fisioter. Mov. (Online); 30 (supl.1), 2017
Abstract Introduction: studying the influence of surfing on the prevalence of injuries may contribute to prevention. Objective: to analyze the influence of time practicing sports and the occurrence of previous surgery on the profile and prevalence of injuries caused by surfing. Methods: Sixty-six Braz...