Results: 1653

O Cromo sérico baixo é raro em doentes submetidos a gastrostomia endoscópica para nutrição entérica de longa duração

Arq. gastroenterol; 54 (3), 2017
ABSTRACT BACKGROUND Patients that underwent Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy (PEG) present with protein-energy malnutrition. Trace elements are required in small quantities and Chromium (Cr) displays a major role in the metabolism. OBJECTIVE This study aims to evaluate Cr levels and its relationship...

Prognóstico e avaliação nutricional de doentes com doença hepática crônica com recurso à antropometria e avaliação global subjetiva

Arq. gastroenterol; 54 (3), 2017
ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Protein-calorie malnutrition is common in chronic liver disease (CLD) but adequate clinical tools for nutritional assessment are not defined. OBJECTIVE: In CLD patients, it was aimed: 1. Characterize protein-calorie malnutrition; 2. Compare several clinical, anthropometric and func...

Perfil dos pacientes obesos no primeiro atendimento em Ambulatório de Nutrologia Municipal de Ribeirão Preto (SP)

Objetivo: levantar o perfil dos pacientes com diagnóstico de obesidade, no primeiro atendimento no Ambulatório de Nutrologia Municipal de Ribeirão Preto -SP, de outubro de 2008 a dezembro de 2013. Método: trata-se de um estudo transversal, retrospectivo e descritivo, com levantamento dos dados de pro...

A importância das sociedades de cardiologia nas ações preventivas em relação a obesidade e hipertensão arterial em uma cidade do Oeste Paulista

Rev. bras. hipertens; 24 (2), 2017
Introdução: Condições como hipertensão arterial (HAS) e obesidade são atualmente as mais prevalentes na população, devendo ser abordados por políticas públicas eficientes. Intervenções a nível coletivo têm se mostrado mais efetivas; para isso, estratégias de comunicação de massa, ativida...

Nursing appointment and cardiometabolic control of diabetics: a randomized clinical trial

Rev. bras. enferm; 70 (3), 2017
ABSTRACT Objective: to verify the effect of nursing appointment on cardiometabolic profile of people with Diabetes Mellitus type 2. Method: randomized controlled trial, developed with 134 individuals chosen for two groups: intervention and control. The intervention consisted of three nursing appointmen...

Características clínicas y bioeléctricas determinadas por bioimpedancia en pacientes con enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica
Clinical and bioelectric characteristics determined by bioimpedance in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Medisan; 21 (6), 2017
Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y transversal de 99 pacientes con enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica, atendidos en consulta de Neumología del Hospital General Docente Dr Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso de Santiago de Cuba, del 1 al 15 de febrero de 2015, con vistas a determinar algunos compartimientos...

Determinación de la reserva ovárica mediante el recuento de folículos antrales en mujeres en edad reproductiva

Rev. méd. Chile; 145 (6), 2017
Background: Age plays a crucial role in women fertility and is related with a decreased oocyte quality and quantity. The evidence for this asseveration comes from data obtained in infertile women. However there is a paucity of studies in patients with proven fertility evaluating ovarian reserve and its d...

Prevalence and concordance in the prediction of excess body weight by two anthropometric criteria in adolescents of western Brazilian Amazon

Abstract The aim of this study was to identify the prevalence and concordance of excess weight (BMI) and body fat (fat %) in adolescents of both sexes from cities of Rio Branco-AC and Porto Velho-RO. This study evaluated 4,310 adolescents, 2,167 from Rio Branco and 2,143 from Porto Velho. No difference (...


Arq. gastroenterol; 54 (2), 2017
ABSTRACT BACKGROUND Esophageal motility has been described in the literature as having differences between men and women. Most of these investigations use the water perfusion method for esophageal manometry. In this investigation the esophageal motility of men and women was compared with high-resolution...

Coronary perfusion pressure during antegrade cardioplegia in on-pump CABG patients

Abstract Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate whether aortic tension estimated by palpation and cardioplegia infusion line pressure provide results equivalent to those obtained with direct aortic intraluminal pressure measurement. Methods: Sixty consecutive patients who underwent coronar...