Results: 202

Ammonia determines transcriptional profile of microorganisms in anaerobic digestion

Braz. j. microbiol; 49 (4), 2018
ABSTRACT Anaerobic digestion is important for the management of livestock manure with high ammonia level. Although ammonia effects on anaerobic digestion have been comprehensively studied, the molecular mechanism underlying ammonia inhibition still remains elusive. In this study, based on metatranscripto...

The pulmonary microbiome: challenges of a new paradigm

J. bras. pneumol; 44 (5), 2018
ABSTRACT The study of the human microbiome-and, more recently, that of the respiratory system-by means of sophisticated molecular biology techniques, has revealed the immense diversity of microbial colonization in humans, in human health, and in various diseases. Apparently, contrary to what has been bel...

Does the use of probiotics in pregnant women with premature rupture of membranes improve the maternal and perinatal outcome? A systematic review

Introduction: Premature rupture of membranes (PROM) is a condition that affects 8–10% of all pregnancies, and contributes with 20–40% of preterm deliveries. Evidence shows that changes in the vaginal microbiota may also have a favorable impact on the decrease in the prevalence of PROM, and that expec...

Asma e DPOC: está na hora de mudar conceitos e o foco do tratamento

A asma e a doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica (DPOC) compõem um grupo de doenças respiratórias obstrutivas crônicas nas quais as disfunções refletem múltiplos processos inflamatórios do trato respiratório. Os mecanismos patogenéticos envolvidos em ambas são influenciados por uma interação ...

Papel do microbioma na resposta imune e na asma

Nos últimos vinte anos, passamos a reconhecer que o corpo humano hospeda, em condições normais, uma quantidade de microrganismos que supera o número de células do nosso organismo. A interação desses micróbios, seus genomas e seus metabolitos com nosso organismo desempenha papel relevante no desen...

El viroma humano. Implicaciones en la salud y enfermedad
The human virome. Its implications in health and disease

Introducción: El viroma humano se refiere al conjunto de todos los virus encontrados en el organismo humano. La diversidad viral del organismo humano bajo condiciones no patológicas ha sido subestimada. Se estima que hay 100 veces más virus en el cuerpo humano que células eucariotas. Objetivo: Real...

Microbiota levaduriforme en quesos artesanales de Corrientes, Argentina

Rev. argent. microbiol; 50 (2), 2018
El llamado queso artesanal de Corrientes (QAC) es un queso blando elaborado en la provincia de Corrientes a partir de leche de vaca cruda y agente coagulante artesanal. Las bacterias lácticas constituyen la flora principal de estos quesos, pero las levaduras también se encuentran en tasas elevadas como...

Inhibition of Nitzschia ovalis biofilm settlement by a bacterial bioactive compound through alteration of EPS and epiphytic bacteria

Background: Marine ecosystems contain benthic microalgae and bacterial species that are capable of secreting extracellular polymeric substances (EPS), suggesting that settlement of these microorganisms can occur on submerged surfaces, a key part of the first stage of biofouling. Currently, anti-fouling t...