Results: 193

Uncited articles in Brazilian public health journals

ABSTRACT Here, we describe the percentage of non-citation in Brazilian public health journals, a field that, until now, had not been investigated nationally or internationally. We analyzed articles, published between 2008 and 2012, of eight public health journals indexed in the scopus database. The perce...

Ações e planos da equipe editorial
Editorial team actions and plans

HU rev; 43 (4), 2017
Ao integrarmos a nova equipe editorial da HU Revista, não sabíamos o quão desafiador seria retomar as atividades da Revista, com o objetivo de reestabelecermos o fluxo editorial e atualizarmos as publicações. Éramos profissionais com pouca ou nenhuma experiência em tecnologia da informação e edi...

Scientific production of Brazilian dermatology: analysis of abstracts submitted at the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology (2005 to 2013) and those eventually published

An. bras. dermatol; 91 (6), 2016
Abstract In the last decade the presence of Brazilian physicians in International Meetings of Dermatology has been expressive. In parallel it has also been expressive the submission of poster abstracts in those Meetings. Considering the meetings from 2005 to 2013, 379 posters were presented in meetings o...

The Rise of Colombian Biomedical Publications

Rev. colomb. psiquiatr; 45 (4), 2016
In 1998, the Colombia Médica journal published an article describing the poor presence of Colombia in the context of Latin American biomedical publications1. Journals of the region were then reducing their share in the total number of publications indexed in MEDLINE. According to this study, in 1966, 2....

Novas evidências documentais para a história da homeopatia na América Latina: um estudo de caso sobre os vínculos entre Rio de Janeiro e Buenos Aires

Resumo A homeopatia começou a propagar-se logo após sua formulação por Samuel Hahnemann, nos primeiros anos do século XIX, chegando ao Cone Sul na década de 1830. Esse processo é tradicionalmente vinculado à figura de um “introdutor”, por vezes alcançando estatuto mítico. No entanto...