Results: 1739

Carcinoma espinocelular de lengua: estudio de sobrevida a 5 años

El carcinoma espinocelular (CEC) es el cáncer oral más prevalente dentro de la población, representando aproximadamente el 90% de todas las neoplasias orales, y la lengua se alza como el sitio más común del CEC. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la sobrevida a los 5 años de los pacientes d...

Cardiovascular risk assessment according to the Framingham score and abdominal obesity in individuals seen by a clinical school of nutrition

Summary Objective: To analyze the relation of abdominal obesity on cardiovascular risk in individuals seen by a clinic school of nutrition, classifying them based on Framingham score. Methods: Cross-sectional study, conducted at the nutrition clinic of a private college in the city of Maceió, Alagoas....

Air pollutants and hospital admission due to pneumonia in children: a time series analysis

Summary Objective: The aim of this study was to estimate the association between expo sure to air pollutants and hospitalization for pneumonia among children in a medium-sized city located in the sugar cane plantation region of São Paulo State. Methods: An ecological time-series study was conducted wi...

Functional lung rejuvenation in obese patients after bariatric surgery

Summary Objective: To determine the lung age (LA) in obese people before and after bariatric surgery, compare the LA with the chronological age (CA) before and after the peration, and verify whether there was a functional pulmonary rejuvenation after it. Methods: A prospective longitudinal study includ...

Overweight and abdominal obesity in adults living with HIV/AIDS

Summary Objective: To investigate the prevalence of overweight, abdominal obesity and associated factors in people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA). Method: Cross-sectional study with 270 PLWHA. A questionnaire was applied to investigate sociodemographic, clinical and lifestyle characteristics. Weight, hei...

Comparación de la maduración ósea de vértebras cervicales utilizando los métodos de Baccetti y Lamparski en pacientes de 8 a 15 años

La maduración se puede definir como un proceso gradual en el tiempo, presenta sucesivas modificaciones cualitativas en la organización anatómica y fisiológica durante la pubertad hasta el estado de madurez adulto. En el diagnóstico y tratamiento en ortodoncia es importante conocer los estadios de ma...

Self-reported vaccination in the elderly: SABE Bogotá study, Colombia

Colomb. med; 47 (1), 2016
Objectives: To determine the frequency of vaccination in older adults within the city of Bogotá and to estimate the association with sociodemographic and health factors. Methods: This is a secondary data analysis from the SABE-Bogotá Study, a cross-sectional population-based study that included a total...

DSM-IV-defined anxiety disorder symptoms in a middle-childhood-aged group of Malaysian children using the Spence Children's Anxiety Scale

Introduction Pediatric anxiety disorders are the most common mental health disorders in the middle-childhood age group. The purpose of this study is to assess anxiety disorder symptoms, as defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition (DSM-IV), in a large community sam...

Esophageal carcinoma: is squamous cell carcinoma different disease compared to adenocarcinoma? A transversal study in a quaternary high volume hospital in Brazil

Arq. gastroenterol; 53 (1), 2016
ABSTRACT Background Esophageal cancer is one of the leading causes of mortality among the neoplasms that affect the gastrointestinal tract. There are several factors that contribute for development of an epidemiological esophageal cancer profile in a population. Objective This study aims to describe bo...