Introdução: a lesão iatrogênica de via biliar é uma grave complicação cirúrgica que pode ocorrer durante a realização de colecistectomia. Os pacientes portadores desse tipo de lesão podem evoluir com cirrose biliar secundária a despeito de múltiplos tratamentos cirúrgicos, sendo necessário...
Abstract Purpose: To evaluate postoperative pain in patients submitted to conventional laparoscopic cholecystectomy with four ports versus single-port laparoscopic cholecystectomy with only one port. Methods: Twenty-one patients were included in the conventional laparoscopic cholecystectomy group and 1...
ResumenLa cirugía laparoscópica constituye uno de los grandes avances de la cirugía en el siglo XX, al poder realizar muchos de los procedimientos que se realizan en la cirugía abierta, con las ventajas de producir menor morbilidad, una recuperación más rápida y menos dolorosa, para que el pacient...
Abstract Background and objectives: The number of laparoscopic surgeries performed is increasing every year and in most cases the pneumoperitoneum method is used. One alternative is the abdominal wall lifting method and this study was undertaken to evaluate changes of functional residual capacity during...
The choice treatment for choledocholithiasis when associated with lithiasic cholecystitis is endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). However, in some cases this therapeutic fails, which requires an alternative method to extract the stones. The surgical approach tends to be the next step, b...
ABSTRACT Background: With the advancement of laparoscopic surgery, new techniques have been proposed and disseminated in order to reduce the surgical aggression and get better cosmetic results. Aim: To present alternative technique for videocholecystectomy comparable to single port technique using con...
ABSTRACT Background: The incidence of cholecystolithiasis is approximately 15% of the population. It is believed that between 30-40% of cholecystectomy patients have symptoms after surgery, being changes in bowel habits the most common among them. Aim: 1) Defining the prevalence, and 2) identifying pr...
ABSTRACT Background: Surgical approach is still controversial in patients with acute cholecystitis: to treat clinically the inflammatory process and operate electively later or to operate immediately on an emergency basis? Aim: To test the hypothesis that urgent laparoscopic cholecystectomy in acute ch...
Abstract Objective: General anesthesia causes reduction of functional residual capacity. And this decrease can lead to atelectasis and intrapulmonary shunting in the lung. In this study we want to evaluate the effects of 5 and 10 cmH2O PEEP levels on gas exchange, hemodynamic, respiratory mechanics and ...
A infecção de sítio cirúrgico (ISC) é uma complicação que pode acometer o paciente, acarretando incremento da mortalidade e morbidade, bem como aumento dos custos em saúde. A videocirurgia surgiu como opção menos invasiva de acesso à cavidade abdominal, reduzindo as taxas de ISC, mas nem mesmo...